Our Next Heist

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The next day, Joker checked if the pseudo-cat had finally calmed down.

He carefully opened the door and saw Hosshi and Hachi both sleeping on the ground.

Joker silently grabbed Hachi and ran out of the room with his apprentice, still asleep.

He locked the door and sat down on the couch, turning the TV on.

Hachi was woken up by the sounds of the TV.

The UNN was on and DJ Peacock was just talking about a new treasure, which shall be brought to the museum today.

It was a rather small, red crystal.

Hachi saw a very familiar expression on Joker's face.

He new what Joker was up to.

He wanted to steal that treasure!

Hachi: Mr. Joker?

Joker: Hachi, get ready! Tomorrow, we're gonna steal that Cristal!

Hachi: Alright!

Joker: But first.....

Hachi: Understood!

Hachi went to the kitchen, cooking some curry, while Joker was writing an advance notice, saying that he shall steal that mysterious red crystal tomorrow night!

[Time Skip]

Hachi: Curry is ready!

After Joker heard that, he quickly got into the kitchen and was eating his curry.

Hachi: Mr. Joker, do you think Hosshi is alright?

Joker: The pseudo-cat is probably fine, Hachi!

Hachi: Yeah, you're right. Hosshi is probably fine!

Suddenly, Joker and Hachi heard a loud banging, coming from the room, Hosshi was in.

Hosshi: Hosshiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!

Hachi: Or not!

Joker and Hachi got up from the table and ran to Hosshi.
Hosshi was once again freaking out like crazy!

Joker: Oh come on!!!

[30 minutes later]

Joker: Ugh! Finally, the pseudo-cat is asleep again!

Joker and Hachi sneaked out of the room and locked it.

Joker: Now! Time to finish the breakfast!

Hachi: But it's probably already cold.

Joker: Than we'll just put it in the microwave!

Hachi: Right!

Joker and Hachi ran into the kitchen, to finish their breakfast.


But then they found some uninvited guests!



Aura: Hachi's curry is so good❤️!

Aura and Chibi were sitting at the kitchen table, eating the curry.

Joker: H-hey! That's my plate, Aura!

Aura was eating the curry from Joker's plate.

Aura: Oh! Sooooo Sowwy~!

Joker: Get outta here, NOW!

Chibi: Oh come on, Joker!
What's the big deal?

Joker: The "Big deal" is that, last time you ate curry with us, you greedy cats ate all the curry all by yourselves when we didn't watch!

Aura: Come on! That was long ago!

Joker: "Long ago"?! More like last week!!!

Joker punched the wall out of anger and something flew out of his pocket.

Chibi picked it up.

Chibi: What's this? An advance notice? The mysterious red crystal?

Aura: You mean the one in the museum?

Hachi: Yes! Mr. Joker and I shall steal it tomorrow!

Aura: Ha! Not if we steal it first!

Chibi: Yeah! Wait, what?!

Aura: Ya heard me lil sis! I just decided that we'll be stealing that treasure!

Joker: Seriously?! First, you break into my airship and eat my curry, and now you want to get in my way of stealing that treasure?!

Aura got up from her seat and walked towards Joker.

Aura: Exacly!

Hachi and Chibi: Oh my........!

Joker: Fine! But don't tell anyone else about it. I already have enough problems with both of you and the pseudo-cat, which is is always freaking out since yesterday!

Hachi: Yeah! We don't know why, but Hosshi is always panicking like crazy since last night!

Chibi: Maybe Moon can calm him down.

Joker: No way! Not another pseudo-cat!

Aura: Okay! Okay!

Joker: So?

Aura rolled her eyes.

Aura: Fine! I won't tell anyone!

[The next morning, in Aura's and Chibi's hideout]

Chibi was watching UNN to check if the museum has received their advance notice.

DJ Peacock: Hey! Everyone! It's your DJ Peacock here, with the latest news!

The DJ was as energetic as always.

Chibi: Can't that guy at least try to act normal for just once in his life?

Chibi never really liked the way Peacock always did his job.
She always thought that he was just way too dramatic.

Aura on the other hand always just thought of that guys behavior as funny.

DJ Peacock: Last night, the police has received advance notices from the phantom thieves Joker, Aura and also Spade, Queen and Shadow, saying that they would steal the mysterious crystal, which was brought to the museum, just yesterday!

Chibi was shocked hearing that the other three also announced that they'd come to steal the treasure!

Did they also see it on the news yesterday, or could Aura once again not shut her mouth and told them about it?

Chibi: Sis!?

Aura saw the news on her Cristal Pad, so she knew what her sister wanted!

Aura: I never made a promise!

That answered Chibi's question. Suddenly, her phone rang.

It was Hachi.

Chibi answered the call.

Chibi: Hello?

Joker: Chibi! Where's Aura!?

Joker sounded pretty mad.

Chibi: Yes. She told them.

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