A Dance With A Puppet

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The stranger in the Toxito Mask costume held Rose's hand and they went to the dance floor.

Rose was blushing like hellfire.
That guy really just asked her for a dance!

And she even said 'yes'!

The moment when he held her hand, she started to regret her answer!

But once they stared dancing, it was different.

The feeling of regret was gone and replaced by a warm feeling of happiness.

A sweet and beautiful smile appeared on her face, causing the stranger to blush.

???: Your smile is like that of an angel......

He only whispered that sentence, but Rose could still hear it and it made her blush.

The stranger realized by the look on her face that she heard what he said.
He than started to blush as well.

???: Oh! Sorry!

Rose: No..... It's okay!

She still smiled.

They both felt like they were slowly lifted up from the ground, under their feet and were now dancing in the air!

They looked into each others eyes and were embraced by a warm feeling of love and happiness.

While that, the other phantom thieves were secretly inspecting the glass case, where the cristal laid, whenever they passed it, while dancing.

They were searching for a security system or anything else.

But then, Shadow noticed how his sister was dancing with a stranger!

He pushed Aura away and angrily glared at the two.

Shadow: Is that a guy?!With my sister?!!

Shadow was just about to rush towards them and break them apart, but Aura stopped him, by grabbing his wrist.
Shadow than turned to Aura.

Aura: If you do that, you could give us away!

Shadow: But-!

Aura: Don't worry! We're all just a few meters away from them! If anything happens, we can always come to help her!

Shadow: Tsk! Fine! But if they leave the room, or that masked guy dares to do something bad to her, I won't hesitate on breaking them apart by force!

Aura rolled her eyes before she and Shadow startet dancing again.

Rose didn't know what was going on with her.
She couldn't help but dancing cause it felt like her body was dancing on its own.
She couldn't speak either.
It was like she lost her voice!

They slowly stared dancing closer to each other.

Soon, there was a strange but beautiful feeling inside both of them.

Their faces approached each other and...............

Shadow: Gyah! ROSE!!!

They were both brought back to reality when Shadow angrily walked towards them.

Rose ran of with the stranger.

???: Huh?

Rose: Believe me, you don't want to feel my big brother's wrath!

Shadow: Huh? Hey! Get back here!

They left the room and Shadow ran after them.

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