On The Heist

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It was the night of the Heist.
Joker and Hachi were disguised as two security officers.

They saw Oniyama walking towards them.

Oniyama: Keep your eyes open! Who knows where the phantom thieves could appear from!!

Joker (In disguise) : Got it!

Oniyama: Good!

Suddenly, a police officer ran towards Oniyama.

Police officer: Inspector!

Oniyama: What is it?

Police officer: The security cameras have spotted phantom thief Spade!

Oniyama: What?! Take me there emediantly!

The police officer left and Oniyama followed him.

Joker knew that this wasn't a real police officer! He knew Spade very well and he knew that Spade would never let himself be spotted by security cameras, that easily!

That was clearly a trick from him.

Joker and Hachi quickly made their way to the treasure, since Queen, Shadow and Aura could appear at any second!

When they arrived, there was nobody else in the room. They were the only ones.


As quick as lighting, Shadow crashed through the window with his motorcycle.

Shadow: Welcome to the Dark of Darkness!

Rose: Big brother! The other security guards definitely heard us!

Shadow: Don't worry, Rose! I got this!

Joker: S-shadow?!

Shadow: Joker? Oh! I almost didn't recognize you in that disguste!

Joker's and Hachi's disguises blew off, revealing the two phantom thieves in their thief outfits.

Joker: The crystal will be ours!

Shadow: No way! I assure you, Joker! This time, I will paint over your light!

Suddenly Ginkgo and Momo rushed through the door.

Ginko: Stop right there, phantom thieves!

Momo: We got you now!

Shadow: No way!

Shadow was aiming his umbrella at the two!

Shadow: Bloody Rain!!!

Suddenly, the two girls dodged the attack, by elegantly jumping to the sides.

Hachi: What the.....!

The two girls' disguises blew of.

Those Ginko and Momo where actually Aura and Chibi in disguises!

Joker: Aura!!!

Aura: Hi Joker! Sorry for telling the others! I just can't ever keep my mouth shut!

Then Aura turned her look to Shadow.

Aura: Hi Shadow~❤️!

Shadow blushed slightly.
Rose often told him, that Aura had a slight crush on him but that was too much!

Shadow: Ugh! Quiet you! Bloody Rain!!!

Aura and Chibi dodged all of Shadow's attacks. Joker took the chance to take the treasure.

???: Not so fast, Joker!

Joker turned around.
There stood Queen and Roko.

Joker: Queen!

[Meanwhile with Akai....]

Akai was still thinking of a way to get rid of that crystal, when suddenly it started glowing again.

Akai: What's going on with that thing?

Suddenly, Akai was in his Phoenix form.

Akai: What the....?!

Akai's wings suddenly stared flying on their own again.

His wings carried him through the sky. He didn't know where they were taking him, but right now, he didn't care! He was to busy with trying to get back control over his body!

What was going on with him?
Why couldn't he control his own body anymore?
Where were his wings bringing him?

Something was wrong with that crystal, he found! And he had to figure out what it was and what was going on with him!

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