When A Nightmare Becomes Reality

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While Joker's friends got him back to the Sky Joker and rested after their battle with Akai, something rather mysterious happened in a different place.......


In a different timeline!

The past!

Arsené, a former enemy of Joker was having a terrible nightmare about Joker and his friends...........

.........They were burning to death!

Luckily Arsené fell out of his bed, causing him to wake up.

He got up but was still very terrified!

Arsené: What's going on? Lately I always have the same nightmare every night!

Than Arsené noticed it........

The piece from the Lost Gem......

It was glowing!

But why?

Arsené: What the.....?

When Joker used the lost gem to fix the problems, Arsené created in the future and sent him back into the past, the Lost Gem got split into several pieces again.

One of those pieces fell into the past, together with Arsené! And ever since he found that piece, those nightmares just wont stop!

The purple haired phantom thief knew that there was something wrong.

Arsené: What if........

What if Joker and his friends are in trouble?!

Arsené knew that something had to be wrong if he always gets nightmares about Joker and the others dying!

Arsené: I.............

I need to go and help them!

To be continued.......

Sorry if it's kinda short!
But on the other hand, I bet you never saw that coming! 😜
See ya all in the next chapter!

Welcome to the Shining Night!

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