Time For A Costume Party!

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(Author: I love this picture of Rose!)

Joker was feeling way better now.
The other thieves have told him about why Arsené was here.

When they were trying to implement a plan for getting the other pieces of the Lost Gem before Akai does, they saw on the news that Mr. Kaneari is having a costume party at his mansion and that he's got a new treasure, which was a mysterious small red crystal.

The thieves put 2 and 2 together.

They all announced that they'll steal the cristal, except for Arsené.
After all, he was a legendary phantom thief from the past.

(A/N : I'm to lazy to write that part...........
It's actually also unnecessary.)

[At the nigh of the party]

Joker and the others, were all at Kaneari's mansion.

There were some police officers and some other guests.

The phantom thieves were all in their costumes.


Joker was dressed as a Vampire,

Hachi was dressed as a vampire-bat,

Spade was dressed as a Lion,

Ai was dressed as Dorothy, from the wizard of Oz,

Queen was dressed as Kleopatra,

Roko was dressed as an egyptian, black cat,

Shadow was dressed as a werewolf,

Rose was dressed as Sailor Moon, from the Sailormoon anime,

Aura was dressed as C2, from Code Geass,

And Chibi was dressed as the Dark magican girl from, Yu-gi-oh.

Arsené didn't wear a costume.
He figured it would be enough to just go like that and pretend to be someone who dresses up as Arsené Lupin.

They entered the ball room, where the party was held.

Aura: Wow! This place is huge!

Queen: Sure is!

Joker: So? What now?

Arsené: We've gotta find the piece of the Lost Gem!

Everyone else: Okay!

They split up and searched for the piece of the Lost Gem.

At first, Aura and Chib were focusing on finding the piece, but then, the buffet got into their sight.

Chibi: *eyes sparkle* Is that a chocolate fountain?!

Aura: And an cake, glazed with chocolate pudding instead of frosting?!

A lot of other tasty treats were also spotted by the two girls.

Aura and Chibi: Are we in Heaven?!

Shadow walked up to Aura and Chibi.

Shadow: You are supposed to search for the cristal! Not eating treats!

Aura: Aaaww, man!
Fine! But we'll definitely send an advance notice to steal that chocolate fountain!

Aura walked towards Shadow, with a bowl of pudding in her hands.
Suddenly, she tripped and the bowl and the pudding landed on Shadow.

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