Introducing: J And Kai!

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Joker and the others were trying to implement a plan, to get the last piece of the Lost Gem!

Joker: Any ideas?

Spade: No..........

Aura: Why can't we just sent some advance notices and steal that crystal?!

Queen: But first, we need a plan! What if Akai comes here too?

Spade: Queen is right! We must act carefully!

Aura: Sadly, 'carefully' isn't my thing!

Chibi: Mine neither!

Arsené: But we have to plan our next move!

Aura: You guys can plan, but we're gonna move!!

Then, Aura and Chibi went to the museum where the crystal was.

Joker: Aura! Chibi! Wait!

Joker and the others went after them.
Soon, they saw them, entering the museum through a window.

When Joker and the others also entered the museum through the window, Aura and Chibi had already broken the glass case and got the crystal.

Joker: Aura!!

Spade: Are you crazy?! What if someone would have seen you two?!

Chibi: Don't worry, guys!

Aura: Yeah! We got the crystal and nothing happened!!


Suddenly, a small figure was let down on a rope, behind Aura and reached for the crystal, she was holding in her hand.

Hachi: Lady Aura! Look out!!

Aura turned around and instinctively punched the figure that was trying to get the crystal from her.

Suddenly, it fell to the ground, and another small figure that was holding on to the other end of the rope fell out of the vents.

The two small figures fell on the floor and slowly got up.
One of them was pretty small and looked like Joker, back when he was little, which surprised everyone a little and the other one was a purple-haired boy who was a little taller than the silver-haired one.

Rose: Those are the two boys that I saw in my vision!

Chibi: But why does the smaller one look like Joker?
???1: Ow!

???2: I'm okay! I landed on something soft!

???1: You landed on me!!

When, the purple-haired boy saw that he was on his smaller companion, he backed away from him.

???2: Oh! Sorry, J!

J: It's fine, Kai! Now for the crystal!

Aura: Huh? And just who are you two?

The two little boys got up and smiled.

J: It's J!!

Kai: And Kai!!

J and Kai: The two of us together are....... Phantom thief Jokers!!

Chibi: "Phantom thief Jokers"?

Joker: Hey! First, Shadow steals my name and now you two?! You're almost as much of copycats as him!!

Shadow: 'Almost'?! Haven't you seen that smaller boy Joker?! He looks like he could be your son!!

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