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"Oh, thank the gods I found you."

Someone said suddenly, making me shriek.

"So sorry! I didn't know you didn't hear me coming."

I looked at the source of the voice and saw the boy again. What on Mesoria was he doing here?

"I can understand, that you are happy to be alive and that I am invading your nice moment here and all that. Well... I figured, that you probably would want to leave. In like... forever. And since I'm sick of this place too, I wanted to ask, if you want to catch the midnight ferry together?"

Only now I saw the large rucksack he was carrying. Was he serious? Well, he convinced me to actually do what I want, so he can't be that stupid after all, right? And we never would have to see each other again, as soon as we arrive at the other side.

"Um... if we still want to get there in time, we would need to hurry up. They were sending out troupes to find you, as well as a few dudes after me, since I didn't show up, when they called the guards. So, are you in?"

He interrupted. Throwing all my worries into the wind I lifted my bag and smiled at him, whilst already walking towards the path.

"Why not. Let's go then."

Seeming a bit startled, he didn't follow immediately.

"Wow, that went way easier, that I thought."

He mumbled, rushing after me. We didn't say a single word, as we walked out of the forest. I was surprised of how not-awkward this felt. How come I saw him as an equal? I was still above him, theoretically... well, to be fair I just threw all of that into the wind. Did that make me just an average citizen? I wasn't sure how I felt towards that aspect. I wasn't something special anymore. Just a normal girl, with an abnormal eye floating above her head.

"I... I am somewhat proud, that you managed to pull through."

He broke the silence, as we walked on a side path past the city. I glanced over at him. His eyes were constantly fixated on the path in front of us.

"I mean, this morning you were still laughing at me for suggesting this. And look where we are now! On our way to flee our lives forever."

I chuckled. This was indeed quite the development within one day.

"Oh... um... just on the side. We will need to take the next turn there right and then we will walk down to the docks."

He then quickly explained, pointing in a direction.

"Ok, sounds like a plan."

I commented, unsure of what to say. Social interactions weren't my strength, which is why everyone probably thought I was arrogant. We continued with silence for the rest of our walk, along the edge of the city. After a while we had to turn right, as predicted, on a small wooden path, that lead down the wall of a sudden cliff.

Below us, there was just forest, like a never ending ocean of leaves and plants. My symbolical heart jumped at the sight of so many plants left to explore. I didn't really care that I never would get to it. Just the pure sight of this large amount of vegetation was overwhelmingly great.

"So, I guess you have a plant-thing then, right?"

The boy asked out of the blue. I was confused. What on Mesoria did he mean?

"I have a what?"

"You know... a nerdy love for plant kinda stuff. You mumbled some weird stuff, before leaving this morning and your eyes widened at the sight of the for... wait a sec."

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