Chapter 2: Wanna be Friends?

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   I close my eye and apply eyeliner on. I like to make the eyeliner look thick.

   I swing myself down the stairs and stop right in my track when I see... him. I creep up the stairs and hide. ohboy! Should I go down there and say no? No, I'll do something worse...

   I eat breakfast while Tyler watches TV. I can't believe I'm doing this. I stick my finger down my throat and walk towards my mom, "Mom, I don't feel so good." I feel the food rushing up my throat and I run towards the garbage can. My mom is really grossed out but not as much as I am. My mouth has a baaaaad taste now; I rinse out my mouth and sigh. That was the worst thing in my life I've ever done next to riding with Tyler.

   "Oh! My poor baby!" Mom sighs.

   "Don't be so fooled, mom," Angeline smirks as she walks in the room.

   "I caught it on tape," she shows my mom the part where I stick  my finger down my throat. Her eyes turn cold and hard.

   "Dakota!!" she groans, "Why would you do that?"

   "Easy, to get out of school."

   "No... more like: easy, to get out of riding home with Tyler," Angeline mimicks my voice.

   "Why can't you be a normal little sister who just sits around making my watch baby shows?" I groan.

   Tyler swings his keys around his finger and smirks, "Are we going or not?"

   "Mom?" I begg, using the puppy-dog-eyes. 

  "Go." I...can't believe... she turned down... the puppy... eyes.

   I jerk my bookbag up and stomp towards his car. I get in and slam the door shut. "Geez, angry, princess?" he asks.

   "No, Skyler-"


   He parks and I get out. Everyone's staring... They better not be- he better not be... "Hey everyone!!" Tyler squeezes me to his side. Cassie pulls me away and Tyler goes to join his dumb-ass friends. "Oh my God, what was that?!" she almost screams.

   "Shhh... I don't want to talk about it."

   "Are you two-"

   "Don't say it!!!!"

   "Anyways..." I get knocked over and I push the guy away and then shove him harder. I can't believe I had the guts to do that!! I'm so... happy!! The guy grabs my shirt collar and raises me up. Happy time is over. I kick him in the shin, meaning to kick him in the nuts. He drops me and holds up his fists. Cassie just stares in horror. "Hello?!! Cassie, do something!! He's going to kill me!!!" I say.

   Tyler looks through the crowd and spots me with a guy... who's holding his fists up. His smile dissappears and he pushes through the crowd. He punches me and misses. "Haven't you got tought not to hit a girl?!?!" Cassie screams.

   "I can take it," I say to Cassie. I get down and crawl on my hands and knees. I don't care if I get made fun of for the rest of my life... I'm outta heree! I catch a glimpse of Tyler punching the guy. I here a whistle and no more punching. Tyler yanks me up and crosses his arms, "What were you thinking?"

   "I was thinking that I should stand up for myself."

   "Against the strongest guy in school?!"

   "I didn't asked to be saved."

   "I did anyways. Maybe you should learn how to fight. I'll take you to kung fu with me."

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