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a/n before i start this, i have decided to write this chapter in 3rd person but i'll put at the top what pov it's in so you know and don't have to worry about trying to figure it out, also slight trigger warning:  character self harms because of unhappiness so i'm going to do that because i like being depressing and being sad so yeah, there's mentions of self harm in this chapter bUT it's good because jodie comes along to help anyway, enjoy...

in 3rd person pov  i think?

You were walking through the town of Cardiff in Wales, you and your adoption group were visiting for a day. You knew they filmed Dr Who in Cardiff and you were a huge fan, you so desperately wished you could meet your idol, Jodie Whittaker, the 13th doctor but you knew that wasn't going to happen because who would want to meet you? not Jodie, that's for sure. You had been listening to Jodie's version of yellow on repeat all day. When you listened to the song, it felt like Jodie was actually there for you, even though you would never meet her.. or so you thought. You had accidentally wandered off from your group because you weren't paying attention to where you were going, you probably should have because now you were all alone in the middle of Cardiff with no where to turn. You didn't know what to do, so you just walked, hoping to find something you recognised. The adoption centre you grew up in from the age of three, until you were thirteen was in your home town, and Jodie's hometown of Huddersfield, that was your favourite centre, but then on your thirteenth birthday they decided you had to move to a different one in Wales. Even though your centre was in Wales, they didn't take you out on trips that often so you didn't know your way around Cardiff as well as the staff who looked after you did. Finally, you came to somewhere you thought you recognised but you weren't sure so you decided to look around a little bit. When you walked forwards you recognised your location as studios.

'Wait, is this where Doctor Who is filmed?' You asked yourself from inside your head, without realising you had said it aloud.

"You're absolutely right. This is where Doctor Who is filmed." A voice from behind you replied. A voice which sounded an awful lot like Jodie's voice.

'Don't be stupid' came the voice from inside your head. 'Why would Jodie Whittaker be talking to a stupid girl like you' it said.

The voice made you want to cry, you so badly wanted to meet Jodie and hug her after all the things she and Doctor Who had helped you through. You knew there wasn't anyone there, it was just that damn voice playing tricks on you.

You were scared and you didn't know what to do so you sat down with your back to a random gate and sobbed. You let the tears drip down your face onto the floor and you wanted absolutely nothing else, you wanted a hug from Jodie but you weren't getting that.

"Hey, are you alright?" Someone said in an accent you recognised, sitting next to you and putting their hand on your shoulder.

You looked up to see your favourite person sitting next to you. Jodie was there. Jodie Whittaker was sitting next to you, eyes full of concern, trying to make sure you were okay.

"I.. uh.." You sobbed, you couldn't believe this was happening, surely you were just in one of your dreams.

"It's okay, take your time. Do you want to come inside? It's the middle of November, I don't want you getting cold." Jodie said, standing up and extending her hand for you, so she could lead you inside.

"N..no don't worry about me, I don't want to disturb you." You replied, you hated being a disturbance to people so you especially didn't want to disturb Jodie, you didn't want her, of all people to realise how messed up you were.

Before you could sat anything though, your hand was in Jodie's and you were walking toward a trailer, you assumed it was Jodie's.

"Do you want a cuppa tea or maybe you'd like coffee? I have hot chocolate too if you prefer. Let me make you a drink to warm you up." Jodie said, looking at you with actual concern in her eyes. She seemed as though she actually cared.

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