is it real?

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a/n: hello, before i start this chapter. i just want to say, thank you so so much for all the positive feedback on this story, i didn't think it was much good so i'm very thankful that people are enjoying it. it makes me so happy. i always used to write fan fiction but it didn't get much feedback so i'm really glad people are commenting and interacting. THANK YOU! i also want to say, i brought the radio times DW special magazine in Tesco earlier and aaaahh i'm so excited for s12!
^ this was so long ago i haven't updated in ages i'm so sorry. it was christmas
and i was travelling back and forth to england and everything because family this and that, BUT OH MY GOD SPYFALL PART 1 AND 2 WERE AMAZING! i won't give too much away incase some of you haven't watched it but THAT REVEAL! i was so shocked, and when SPOILER: 13 went back to gallifrey i was crying.
right anyway,
a thasmin story is up and running, by the way, i started writing that this morning so the first chapter of that will be published soon.
i have a question: should i make a doctor x reader story where reader is the companion and just keep this story as reader being jodie's "child" or would you like me to make it so jodie falls in love with y/n because i can always make her older. you decide, do you want jodie x reader to be lovers or just friends?
anyways, on with the story!

(I don't think there's a POV)

Y/N woke up in the same position as she fell asleep in, her head on Jodie's shoulder, while Jodie kept her safe with her arms around her. The only difference was the blanket that Jodie had put over her, keeping her warm. It was winter in Cardiff so it was getting rather cold, Y/N hated the cold but having her idol close was a good way to get rid of the cold feeling in her bones. She still couldn't believe this was happening.
When Y/N opened her eyes, Jodie was stroking her h/c hair.

"Hi, did you have a nice sleep?" Jodie wondered.

"I did" y/n smirked. "That nap did me the world of good, very comfy sofa." She giggled, proud of herself for reciting Jodie's lines from the first episode.

"Very impressive y/n, but the real question is, how many times have you seen that episode to be able to do that." Jodie laughed.

"Well uh, probably over twenty times. You're my favourite doctor, despite what anyone says about you. You're the best actress, I watched you in Broadchurch and that's kinda how I discovered you." Y/n explains.

"That's dedication, you're really proving yourself to be a great human." Jodie smiles.

Y/N just blushes, how on earth can Jodie Whittaker think she is a great human. It doesn't make sense in y/n's head.

"Jodie... I have a question about Doctor Who, can I ask about it?" Y/N asks, nervously.

"Yes, of course you can. Ask away, I love answering questions!" Jodie replies enthusiastically.

"Okay, w..was uh thasmin a real relationship.. or is that too personal?" Y/N stutters.

"Oooh you're a thasmin shipper are you?" Jodie asks with a wink.

"Y..yeah." Y/N stutters, nervous that a Jodie will judge her.

"Well, you're in for a treat. In Series 11, obviously there was some chemistry between Yaz and the Doctor but nothing really happened, however in Series 12, big things happen for Thasmin and they may or may not kiss." Jodie winks again.

"JODIE! OH MY GOD!" Y/n squeals. She feels so full of excitement.

"I'm so glad you're smiling, it suits you. You have a beautiful smile y/n." Jodie compliments.

"Thank you." Y/n replies, tearing up. Nobody has ever complimented her smile before, and to have it come from her biggest inspiration, is amazing.

"Aww don't cry, it's okay. It really is beautiful and I want to see you smiling more often." Jodie says.

"Nobody has ever said that about my smile, it means so much to me." Y/n says with another smile.

Jodie just laughs and goes to open the door to her trailer incase anyone needs her.
"I hope you don't mind the door being open, we are on set and I need it open incase we start filming something again, is that okay?" Jodie questions, looking at Y/n from the door.

"Yeah, I don't mind it being open, but just a pre warning. I am really shy because of.. uh everything." Y/n says, shrugging her shoulders.

"That's okay, you don't have to talk to anyone but I'm sure you'll feel very welcomed by everyone. Mandip loves you already, I know that." Jodie smiles, walking over to sit beside you.

"Are you sure?" Y/n worries.

"I am. I promise you, everything will be okay from now on." Jodie reassures.

Y/n just sits in silence, trying to get all of this into her head. She's living on set with Jodie Whittaker, her favourite actress. The actress who's filming her favourite TV series, the TV series she's been watching since she was 5 years old. She can't believe this, it's literally a dream come true. This, is something she has been dreaming mov for years, well not this in particular just meeting Jodie, but she got so much more than she ever expected, she got to spend time with Jodie, she even fell asleep, with Jodie, who was giving her a cuddle and stroking her hair.

"Jodie, we need you on set in about 15 minutes, the Doctor has to film another one of her scenes with Yaz, in the office." One of the show runners, Amelia, pops her head in.

"I'll be there in a second." Jodie smiles, giving her a small smile and watching as she walks away.

"Are you coming with me or do you want to stay here? If you come with me, you may see some behind the scenes and spoilers." Jodie asks, winking at the last part of her sentence.

"Could I come with you? I love all the behind the scenes and maybe spoilers will make me less scared of things that are coming up in the series." Y/n replies, quietly.

15 minutes later, Jodie is dressed in her outfit.
"I love it, still." Y/n smiles.

"I'm glad you do. I love it too." Jodie replies, looking down at her outfit.

"I was wondering, can I take photos with you, Mandip, Tosin and Brad later, because my friends told me I'd never meet you and I.. just." Y/n wonders.

"Of course! You're a special one. You can of course take pictures, here give me your phone." Jodie smirks, holding out her hand.
You hand over your phone and watch as she takes about 10 selfies, all with different facial expressions.
"Come here, have a photo with me before we go on set." Jodie says seriously, pulling you in for a photo.
She scronches her nose and smiles, you smile the biggest you ever have before and she takes the photo, then she takes your hand, gives you her phone and walks out with you on set to begin the well awaited filming.

You still can't believe all of this is happening, it feels so much like a dream, but so much like the reality that it is, at the same time. Your mind can't keep up with all the exciting things that are happening.
Everything is about to change for the better and you can't wait to see how this turns out.

hi! i hope everyone enjoyed this, also you may have noticed that i've changed my name, that's because i got bored of the other one and preferred this one, so i changed it. i hope you don't mind. i'm sorry that it took me so long, i will be giving you more updates regularly now because i have so many ideas.

but i need to know something.

Comment Here if you want a reader x doctor book, separate to this.

Comment Here if you want me to make this into a reader x jodie book, I'll have to make y/n older for this option because she's only like 16.

please let me know, stream yellow and i'll see you in the next chapter, thanks again for reading!

- thirteensbiscuits
1298 words.

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