Chapter Two: The Betrothal

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It is near noon, and Alice is in the manor's drawing room playing Schubert's "Schwanengesang D 957" on the piano alone. On this day, a Tuesday of May to be exact, there will be a meeting between Alice and Joseph Baker, another "eligible" bachelor who is marry her. Alice was told by her parents the previous night that they had betrothed her to a "the Baker boy who lives twenty minutes away." Victor and Alberta had given up on any chances on Alice's approval, so they went out an search for the most eligble themselves.

"He has the name and the inheritance," said her father, "and he is your age."

"In his free time he reads, sketches, and plays the piano," said her mother, "and he is an extremely well mannered and kind young man."

"That is what you said about all of the other ones," replied Alice, but they didn't . There was no need to, of course they have to educated. There is also no need to tell her any of this because it is too lae.

"We have betrothed you to him, and his parents are delighted to meet you. You will marry him according to plan."

"According to plan." Those three words had been echoing in her head all day, and she tries to drown out the words with music. For five hours now, Alice had been in that empty drawing room playing all sorts of music and making observations of the light. When the sun rose, the gold-rose color complimented the white walls, the golden intricate designs on the walls, and the red roses on the fireplace. By ten, she could see the dust flying in the room near the windows. Now, she could feel the heat in the room. Perhaps it was herself. In a few minutes, Joseph would arrive to meet her, someone she had not even met or heard of yet.

"Alice?" a voice says. Alice turned around to see her sister at the door. "He's here."

"Already? He's not due here until five more minutes!"Alice arrived at the library door, where Joseph was waiting, and slightly opened the door to get a glance at her future husband. His back was to her, looking at her portrait on the wall. He is about her height, and has black hair. "Hello." He turned around quickly to find her already inside.

"Good afternoon Miss Liddel," He says as he kisses her hand. "Thank you for having me. Here. At your estate."

"Thank you for coming Mister Baker. Shall I call for tea?"

"Yes please." The two sat down face to face while the John the butler poured the tea. Their eyes are not drawn to each other but rather observing the corner ceilings. The sounds of the tea being poured, and the clanging of china sounds even louder than before to Alice. Besides the sounds of the butler, it was really quiet. The Sun is not even shining at the room and she could feel the heat growing hotter. It was so silent that she could begin to hear the ringing sounds in her ears. Her scalp begins to itch, but she dare not touch it. "Thank you." He broke the silence.

"Yes, thank you John." She could not think of anything else to say to Joseph. Seconds seems like minutes. "How did you hear of me?"

"I did not Miss Liddel. Your parents and my parents knew each other. It is recently that I found out about you."

"I was told only yesterday that you are to be my husband."

"I only found out yesterday also." He takes his tea and drinks it. It seems like ten more minutes of silence. "Would you like to take a stroll with me in the park Miss Liddel? Get some fresh air."

"Go outside? Why go outside when we could be inside, where it is safer."

"Come with me! I will escort you and protect you from the dragons." Alice smiled at that. Normally any man would have said that she as ridiculous, or there were no dangers. Nobody has ever said anything about dragons. She grabbed his arm, and they walked outside.

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