Chapter 23

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I can't believe that I'm hiding from, practically, my family! The Isle has always been there for me and I could never believe that they would turn against me like that. And why? Because they wanted me to marry Harry. Ridiculous. I'm glad that I got away from the marriage but...what about all the people I let down, or Harry! I don't know if he's alive or not! D*mn you Audrey and your stupid arrows! D*mn you Ben for your stupid ideas! I want them all dead! Wait...I need to breath first.

Evie: Mal...I know that I said that this is a good idea but...I can't keep on doing this. I have spent my life on hoping for the Isle and now... I'm on a war against them? That doesn't sound right to me. To my heart! I hope you understand...
Mal: of course! You think that I like this? But...I need something!
Evie: what is it?
Mal: Evie, I'm begging you, please help me see Harry! I need to know if he's...
Evie: I get it. But... we'll have to go under all Auradon and Isle of the Lost. Are you ready for that?
Mal: I would risk anything!
Evie: and... you'll probably have to "talk" with Uma. I don't think she's much happy after all this.
Mal: I'll try but my first priority is Harry. He's the only one I care about now!
Evie: oh I understand baby...(I cry again. It's been so long since the last time I cried. But it's a relief. Taking it all out. I know now. That thing they all say: you have to lose someone to understand how important he was to you. And I never lost Harry but now I have to be with him. He's the only one that can take me out of all this darkness. And he can...if he's still in this world...)

When I ,gently, pull away from Evie's hug I gather my self and take some breaths. I try not to think of the worst. We get ready, you know sports clothes, and escape from the back door. We succeed on going uncovered so we keep going. I'm glad that I grew up on the Isle and I know every inch of it. And I definitely know where they took him. I remember this place. Every time we were playing and somebody got hurt we used to come here for first aid. Carlos always stayed outside because he hated blood and when he was the one that was hurt we had to cover his eyes so he didn't pass out from, anxiety I think. Anyway I have all the secret exits from this building in my mind so I try to remember exactly where is which. When I find the perfect one, and also the one that I think leads to what could possibly be Harry's room, we sneak in.

Evie: nope. This is empty.
Mal: d*mnit!
Evie: let's take the next one. I think it was on our right side... I'm not really sure!
Mal: okay chill we'll find a way in.

We reach the second one that Evie saw but this...this is a dead end?

Mal: wait what!? I knew this place perfectly and this was never here! Neither the other one before!
Uma: did you really thought that I would let you or your arrow princess to do things worse? Didn't I said that she is a fish trapped by the bait?
Mal: funny much... you're an octopus.
Uma: it's a phrase you sl*t! Now shut the f*ck up and leave before the whole Isle comes here!
Mal: Uma please. Just let me see him! I need to know if he's okay!
Uma: oh now you think about Harry? First you kill him and sneak away and then you come to see if he's "fine"? NO MAL! He's NOT okay! And that's because of you! Do you have any idea what you've done to him?
Mal: I didn't kill him! Don't try to blame ME! It was Andrey and you know that!
Uma: I don't care who did it! I care that it happened! You could have stayed! (Stay? Is she serious. Oh gosh these tears again...)
Mal: If I stayed you would blame ME for his death! You would say that I did it!
Uma: well you did so...
Evie: Uma! She didn't do it! Ben made the plan and Audrey shot an arrow on Harry! And you know what? If I was her I would do that! I wouldn't let some thousands of people tell me who to marry! Like seriously? Blocking the way out and if he takes a negative answer she gets beaten up?
Uma: nobody would get beaten up...
Evie: well shame on you! I bet Harry still hasn't got the chance to talk to you has he? Because when he does you know what will happen right? You tricked him! You made him think that you want the best for him but you trapped them on getting married so Harry doesn't mess with you head about the "Mal thing"! Oh sweetie and now you pretend that you don't want anyone to come close to him because he'll know what happened? Sorry not sorry step aside!
Mal: d*mn...? I'm shocked af!

We're coming close to the end guys...

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