"you're pregnant!"

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"Why haven't you told him yet?" Crystal yells into the phone from where I think is the back of the tour bus somewhere in the midwest.

"It's just not time yet. You guys are only half way through tour and with the album dropping next year, I don't want to put any more stress on Cal".  I huff, sitting down on the bed, putting my head in my hands and groaning in frustration.

"Lydia, you have to tell him sooner then later!You can't just hide this forever." Her voice is snappier then usual today and I'm a little thrown.

"Why can't I?"

"Please don't tell me she said what I think she did, I swear to god." I hear Sierra say from the background.

I respond softly, "Fine, I will, once tour is over and he's home for the holidays."

"You're impossible, I hope you know that." Her voice still sharp.

"Yeah but you love me anyway. You're gonna make the best god mother." I slip in a little flattery just so she'll soften up a bit.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I gotta go the boys are about to finish up. I'll call you tomorrow. Love you Lyds."

"Love you too C, say hi to Mike for me." With a muffled 'I will' the line goes dead and I groan as loudly as possible.

Picking myself up off the bed I start heading downstairs. Walking around the house aimlessly as soft music plays in the background has been a constant since Cal left for tour in September. When I'm not working or talking to someone on the phone, I just wonder around this massive house looking at the pictures of us scattered everywhere. The past three years with Calum have been the craziest of my life. Pictures from parties, getaways, tour stops and lazy days litter our home. I stop in front of the fire place and look up at the massive print from our wedding a few months back. We both look so happy.

As much as it's always been hard not seeing him my job was still really important to me and it was unfortunately keeping me in LA most of the time. Tour life isn't really for me anyway, I never knew how he manages to do it all the time.

Life kept moving, the baby would keep growing, the boys were in a new city everyday, Crystal or Sierra would call everyday and ask me if Calum knew yet, I'd give the same excuse to why he didn't and we'd leave it at that. Last night the boys finished the last stop of WWJ in Vancouver and they were flying back to L.A today. I think Cal said he was probably going to be home in a few hours and it made my stomach turn. I'm not sure if it was the morning sickness or the nerves from today being the day I was going to tell him.

Wanting to get my mind off it, I slip one my Calum's shirts on and watch it fall past my shorts, perfectly hiding the small baby bump forming. I put my hair into a messy bun and wrapped a bandanna around my head to push my bangs out of my face. I grab myself an ice tea and head into my studio to start a new painting.

"Hey google, put my spotify on shuffle." Watermelon Sugar fills the room and I get to work on the large canvas in front of me.

Not sure whether it was the trance I was in from painting or the loud music surrounding me but I completely missed Calum coming in the house yelling my name.

I guess he followed the sound of the music because the low chuckle from the doorway made me jump making him laugh a little harder.

"Have I ever told you how beautiful you look when you're painting love." The smile on his face could light up the whole world.

"Maybe once or twice." I say quietly with a smirk, not moving from my stool.

As he walks closer to me his smile gets even wider"And wearing one of my shirts? I think I might be the luckiest man alive". He pulls me into a tight hug with my head barrier into his chest, I relax into his touch I smile.

"I missed you Cal."

"I missed you too Lydia, you don't even know how hard it was to be away from you." As he pulls away he looks at me with a small grin on his face.

"How about we go have a bath together then watch some netflix like a regular night. Does that sound good." He reaches for my hip but I flinch when he gets too close.

"Are you alright love?" Concern covers his face.

Cracking under pressure I slowly lift up my shirt as a few tears slip from my eyes. I whisper out, "It's a girl, Cal, we're having a girl."

He steps away from me, eyes wide and he's shaking his head as confusion covers his face.

"Lydia what are you talking about? What do you mean it's a girl?"

My tears get heavier as I sit back down on my stool to steady myself and I point to my stomach. " It's a girl. In here, a baby girl."

Very loudly he yelled, "You're pregnant!" His face erupting into the biggest smile I've ever seen.

As I start to nod he picks me up and starts to spin me, peppering my face with kisses. When we puts me down he lowers himself to then start kissing my stomach. He then begins rambling off what feels like a million questions.

"How long have you been pregnant? Does your mom know? Does MY mom know? Does MY SISTER KNOW? Have you picked names yet? Wait do I have to quit the band? Lydia please don't make me quit the—"

I cut him off with a quick kiss and keep a hold of his face as I pull away.

"Only Crystal and Sierra know because they were with me when I found out in Toronto. And no Cal you do not have to quit the band, millions of teenage girls would be out for my head if you did." The tension leaves his body as I speak and he rests his forehead against mine.

"I'm promise you, I'm going to be the best father in the world to this baby."

Rubbing my thumb over his cheek I smile, "I know you will Cal."

here we go with the first one, hope you guys liked it, make sure to vote and you guys are more then welcome to leave suggestions for the future.

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