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"What do you mean you were with the professor? Where is he now?"

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"What do you mean you were with the professor? Where is he now?"

Instead of the regular four people that normal sit at the kitchen table at Mom's we have seven this morning. It's weird having all the seats occupied, plus an extra one that's pulled up to the table, for once. I woke up this morning and cooked breakfast with Bree. Now, everyone's eating, and trying to decide next steps. Luckily Logan's made contact with Jean and Scott.

"Sabrina, add that to our list of problems," Jay yells from across the breakfast table. He's beside Carrie, pouring her a glass of water, but makes sure Bree hears him before he asks Carrie, "is that enough?" To which she replies with a grateful yes.

My sister clicks her pen and nods, "got it. Missing Charles..," she mumbles while gracefully scribbling the words on the page in front of her. "Right under out of bread."

Mom chuckles from beside Bree at the table, "I don't know if missing bread is as important as missing Charles." She reassuringly rubs her youngest daughter's shoulder with a tight squeeze.

Bree flips the sheet of paper to show Mom her skillfully written list, "oh, don't worry we color coded the list. Blue is stuff around the house, red is infinite danger, green is miscellaneous."

"It sounds like you guys didn't get much sleep with all the effort you put into this list," I glance between Bree and Jay smirking at them playfully.

He chews a piece of light toast in his hand and shrugs his shoulders, "I slept fairly well last night, believe it or not. Sabrina and I made our list earlier this morning before breakfast."

Romeo scoffs, standing to retrieve the bottle of syrup in the middle of the table. He drizzles a few drops on his pancakes before announcing, "okay, can we get back to more important matters now? We've got a house full of missing mutant students, a missing teacher, and now we don't know where the professor is." He looks at each of our expressions before shrugging his shoulders, "what the hell are we gonna do about it?"

Logan sets his communication device on the counter, causing a dramatic shift in the room. He returns back to the breakfast table after ending his conversation from the other room. "Scott and Jean are on their way. Finish eating, they'll be here soon."

"Let's just add more ducks to the pond, because if you haven't noticed Logan, we're sitting ducks in a stupid pond," Romeo slaps the table his anger getting the best of him. Jay jumps with shock from beside me, but I keep eating, starting to get used to his on scheduled out-burst.


Jay's warning is cut short. Romeo slaps away his friend's hand of caution, "no! Don't 'Romeo' me. It's like I'm the only one who gives a shit..," his voice trails off in the midst of Logan sitting down, sighing loudly and making himself a plate.

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