From a Cradle to a Grave Pt. II

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"Or smarter," Hayley's voice said from behind me.

I turned around so quick, my heart in my throat. I saw her... walking into the little room we stood in. Her silhouette basked in the shadows and the dim lighting the candles created. She was almost dreamlike.
This couldn't be real, I thought to myself.

"Hayley," I said, emotions pouring out onto that two syllable name.

She looked scared and confused... like maybe she too couldn't believe that she was still here on this plain.

My footsteps carried me to her and it looked like she was backing away from me. My hands reached out to he neck before she could leave me and when I felt her skin in my hands, and I knew. This is real. I wasn't imagining this moment. She was back! My heart and mind rejoiced. I sighed and breathed deeply for my worst nightmare was over.

"How are you here?" I asked her, my voice deep and raw with unshed emotion.

"I woke up in the church," she said. "I felt this hunger. I knew what I needed. I can feel her. She's here I can feel my baby." Her tone was lifeless as she spoke, as if she were here solely on instinct, not because of something else. Its hard to describe her in this moment. I've never seen her this way.

"You died with the baby's blood still in your system." Niklaus began; he looked over at me. "She's in transition."

"Which means she'd have to drink the blood of the child if she's to survive." I said.

"To be reborn a hybrid," Niklaus finished for me.

Hayley looked at the both of us.

"I don't care about me. I'm gonna go find our daughter." With that Hayley left the room.

As if she knew her way around the cemetery, Hayley marched around until we rounded the corner and saw the trio witches chanting around the baby; Genevieve was holding the dagger over the baby.

"No!" Hayley screamed as I grabbed a flower pot and flung it to where Genevieve stood. She lost her footing taking a few unbalanced steps backwards. The dagger fell out of her hands as we ran forward.

Monique and the blonde ran to the front, causing a block.

"You fools," Monique began. "To come against us in our place of power, in our strongest hour. You don't face three. You face us all."

Hayley and Klaus went separate ways, probably trying to find a eay around the girls and their ancestors. I pushed myself forward. Crawling was more like it. My efforts were futile, I just kept getting pushed back.

Suddenly something moved passed my peripheral and I saw it pierce the blonde in the heart and pin her to a wall. Monique gave up with the block and fecthed the dagger and returned to the baby on the dais. The ancestors faded from my sight.

Monique held the dagger over the baby; Niklais and I ran forward.

Witches are truly the most annoying creatures, I thought just after Monique put fire in our paths, stopping us from saving the baby.

"No!" Hayley screamed again. She then grunted with pain as Genevieve began her witch magic that seems to cause us a severe head trauma.

Out of nowhere, something pierced Monique's heart and cuts began to show on her body. We turned to see Marcel. Not two seconds after Monique's body hit the floor, Marcel whoosed passed us and grabbed the baby. He looked at Hayley for a moment and then fled the scene. Niklaus left right after him in an instant.

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