Rebirth Pt. II

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I sat in the nursery after the minor dispute Elijah and I had and hugged the teddy bear close to my heart. I wanted to hug her close to my heart but until my vengeance was indeed mine and all our enemies were vanquished, I couldn't hug her at all. I couldn't even have her in the same city without having the  fear of someone finding out about her and using her against Klaus and I. And even Elijah because I know he cares about her too.
I cannot wait to taste the sweet blood of that of my enemy. I could hear it calling to me; telling me to win this battle. Klaus wanted to paint with the blood of his enemies, I wanted to drink from it. From her. I wanted to watch as the light in her eyes left with her last breath. I deserve that and nothing less. Francesca ruined my life in more ways than one.
Suddenly I heard some mumbling somewhere in the house. Klaus must have returned. Honing in my other senses, I focused on just hearing.
"We have the Guerrera's right where we want them," Klaus was saying. A tinge of optimism in his voice. "We have them waiting and we have them worried. And now we know they have an army with no defenses against an original."
"We don't know that for certain," Elijah interjected.
"I am willing to gamble."
"It's too risky. The stake didn't just disappear. Someone has it."
"One enemy at a time. In the end, we'll slay them all." There was a brief moment of silence before Klaus continued. "Tonight, we just have to plant the right seed and for that we need help.
That was when I decided to join the brothers. I was not going to miss out on this opportunity.
"So what's the plan?" I asked finally feeling determined after so long.
Klaus gave me his world famous mischievous smile and I smiled back.
"At last we fight an enemy," he said.
"We're taking the twelve original rings. Now four of them sit on the hands of the Guerrera brothers. One on Oliver, one on Francesca. Three with her home security detail and the rest scattered amongst her lackeys. Now each ring is distinguishable by its setting. Gouache, like those that wear them."
Klaus contemplated this for a few long moments.
"This means I need to stay here until I have my strength back. I already know that I am going to get weaker because of the moonlight rings stopping the wolves from turning. Kill them and set me free from this weakened prison so that I may be the warrior I once was."
"Wow, what a dramatic speech," I said with a roll of my eyes.
Klaus whooshed to my side, but i could tell it took a lot out of him.
"Don't catch an attitude with me, Little Wolf. I am not too pleasant this days."
Elijah stepped in the middle of us. "Calm down, you two. We will have our victory this night."
Klaus sat back down. "If they believe there could get their hands on the stake, they will come for me when I'm weak. Each ring we retrieve will strengthen me but I will still be at a disadvantage."
"Ergo, any hope of our success depends entirely upon our working together." Elijah said slowly walking towards me. "The two of you can no longer retreat to two separate corners."
I looked at Klaus expectantly as he slowly stood to his feet in his already weakened state.
"This is our fight," he said, anger and determination burning in the depths of his eyes. "You ready for battle, Hayley?"
My eyes maintained contact. "Just promise me that Francesca doesn't come out of this alive."
He gave me a small tilt of his head, "Her head will be delivered to you on a silver platter, Little Wolf."
"I'll deal with the last piece of the puzzle." Elijah said as he disappeared around the corner.
"Let's go have some bloodshed," I said as the wolves arrived sooner than I expected. Wolves flooded into the compound from every corner.
I saw two of them head into the stairwell. I whooshed to them, put my hands on their chins and twisted. Seeing a ring on the biggest ones hand, I removed it. I searched the other body; no ring.
Six wolves appeared behind me trying to look menacing. I stood upright and braced myself. I spotted a ring on the female in front of me.
"Have I mentioned I've had a rough couple of months?" I asked not caring doe an answer. I charged the group and slaughtered them all before they could even process what was happening. I took the ring off of the females finger.
All that was left now was Oliver. And I believe I saw him walking the hall like he owned the place.
Yeah, right.
Stepping out from a small hallway, I came face to face with the traitor. I paused for a moment letting him see me before giving him the sucker punch of his life. Slamming him head first into a wooden pillar gave me strength. I kneed him in the back and forced him to his knees.
"You think you're strong because of that ring you wear. You're nothing. We were strong. We were part of a pack and you ruined it." I took his ring off then. "If I see you with one of these again, I will kill you myself." I said giving him mercy he didn't deserve.
Elijah came back to the compound shortly after Oliver fled.
"Francesca escaped. Mainly because I left her for you." He said when he saw me sitting on the steps.
I quickly stood up, ready to leave. "Where?"
"My bet... out of town." My feet carried me fast and sure as i made it to the main road out of the city. I waited for the person I wanted dead most.
Headlights were coming fast down the road.
Francesca, I thought.
She slammed on her brakes and stopped maybe a hundred feet away... Like that was really far enough from me. By the time she straightened up from her whiplash, i was right beside her. I opened up her car door and dragged her out. And then I dived into the sweet nectar of my enemies blood.
Francesca let out a scream. "Please!" She pleaded. "Don't do this."
I release her and three her to the ground.
"You act all strong and powerful but you hid behind layers of protections. Wolves and witches alike. Where is that protection now?" I tilted my head slightly. "My, my how the mighty have fallen this night." Francesca rolled to her back and slowly began to crawl away from me. I tracked her every move; after all, she is my prey.
"Please," she said again.
"Please, please," I said mockingly. "How pitiful and pathetic you sound. You're supposed to be the all mighty Guerrera. The top dog. Well, you certainly don't look mighty. Doesn't feel too good when the shoe is on the other foot, does it?"
Francesca shook her head still continuing to crawl away.
"If you think you're getting away, you're wrong. Klaus promised me your head on a silver platter. And I expect that to be true. Although, I don't see a silver platter anywhere... So me killing you here and now would just have to do."
I attacked her again, the blood curdling scream she let out was like music to my ears. Once her creaming stopped and her body went limp, did I release her. I wiped a hand across my mouth and dragged her body to the car. I threw her in the backseat and drove into the woods surrounding the road. Now that that was taken care of I ran back to the compound.
Somehow I winded up in the nursery and I wasted no time. I began with the crib. I ripped off the railing closest to me. Went to the dresser and swiped everything off. Back at the crib, I ripped the foot board and kicked a foot peg. The crib collapsed.
"Hey!" Elijah said. "Hey, what is this? Hey!" He came to me stopping my aggressive behavior by trying to take me into his arms. I pulled away not really wanting to be touched... I doubt he would want to touch me after I tell him what I did to Francesca.
"I killed her," I said as I held his eyes with mine." Francesca looked me in the eyes and begged me for her life as I tore her apart. But I don't feel better." Tears started to cloud my vision again. " I don't feel peace. I don't feel anything!"
"It's perfectly natural given what you've experienced--"
"Nothing about what I am, Elijah, is natural!"
"As a hybrid you would begin to experience feelings with a greater intensity. It will take time to master control."
My head shook violently as he spoke. He didn't get it!
"I don't... want to live like this, Elijah. I hate it. When I was living with the people in the Bayou I finally understood the--the purity of being a wolf, the nobility. I killed eight wolves tonight before I got to Francesca. Eight of my own people. What's noble about that? I acted no better than a--"
"Than a vampire." Elijah finished for me. I could hear the sadness in his voice and see it written all over his face.
"Everything has changed. Not just for me. I saw the way you looked at me before... And I see the way you look at me now. I was a mother and now I'm a monster." The tears are rolling freely down my face at this point because I hated the fact that Elijah saw me with different eyes. "Things are different now. You can't tell me that they're not." Not being able to be in his presence at the moment, I walked out of the room.
"Hayley," was all he said. His tone broken, defeated. I didn't stop to hear what he had to say.



 The next morning Niklaus and I planned on destroying the moonstones that made him weak so that no one could use them against him again.
"Could you not just take sledge hammer to them?" He asked when I placed them on the table to be able to roll up my sleeves.
"These were forged by a witch, brother. And as such, only the elements of water and fire can destroy them. I would have thought this would bring you greater pleasure."
"As would I. This was my fault. All of it. If I had just accepted Hayley's pregnancy instead of playing king... I should have listened to you. Instead my greed and my envy robbed me of my daughter. My actions led to the release of a weapon that could kill not only me, but you."
"A thousand years I've survived you attempts to destroy me, brother." I said giving Niklaus a small smile. I scooped up the stones and dropped them in the goblet before me. "I imagine I can survive this."
"You chase my redemption... I command wrongness stored on an endless mountain."
"Oh, no mountain is endless, brother." I poured water on the rocks and the stones and smoke billowed out of the goblet. "Some are just steeper than others," I said when Niklaus stood up. "As much as I would like to be the one to comfort Hayley in this moment, I believe that only you can understand her grief."
"We lost our child. What could I possibly say to ease her pain?"
I placed my hand on his shoulder. "Whatever she needs to hear." I left him to be alone. He needs to think about a lot of things. I went back to the reading room to be alone with my thoughts as well.

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