Alive and Kicking Pt. II

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I've pretty much spent my day with Marcel and after seeing for myself that Davina had the white oak stake, Marcel insisted that I take a walk with him through the artsy section of the quarter. He lectured me about listening to his wishes whenever Davina was involved.
"The stake is safe. Davina won't use it on Klaus if it would kill me."
"Course she has no reason whatsoever not to use it on me."
"Well I guess you'd better behave," Marcel said with his wide grin.
"And how long before someone else should make this discovery? What if it falls into the enemy hands?" I asked the questions that he seemed to be neglecting to think about.
"Look, I'll get her to give the stake back. Alright? Just gimme some time."
"Unfortunately, Marcel, unlike these retched souls that you recruit, your promises fail to inspire my faith. One way or another Davina will comply."
"Okay," Marcel said after an exaggerated sigh as he stepped in front of me. "Do you ever wonder why your family has so many enemies?" he asked, his face serious. "It's because you make stupid moves like this. It really makes me wonder how I ever survived you people."
I thought about his words as they rang true. It was often a mystery to me as well.
After all, Niklaus saved him and then somewhat abandoned him. Kol made him witness gruesome things; things that a  young boy should not have witnessed. I was the one who took care of him, taught him things... and then one day, I just stopped.
"I don't fault you for your suspicion, nor Davina for her contempt. That does not alter our present dilemma. She has the stake, I want it back." I brushed passed Marcel in an effort to get away and he let me pass.
Marcel let me walk away, but only a short distance. He was right by my side a moment later.
"What do you say we take a ride and I will call her? Try to at least get something out of her about the stakes whereabouts."
"That doesn't sound like too bad of an idea."

What seemed like hours later, Davina finally answered Marcel's call. I stayed silent so not to anger her; causing her to hang up.
"Why won't you do a locator spell? Do you have it? If you don't have it, prove us wrong."
"I never said I had it."
"The thing is, Elijah thinks you do. Matter of fact, he's convinced."
"Well let Elijah thinks what he wants."
"You're not safe, D. Anyone who ever wanted to kill an original is gonna be coming after you."
"Fine. Let them try."
"D, come on. Just tell me where you are. Hey, we can talk about this."
"I'm at Russo's. Don't bother coming, I'm leaving now." That was the last thing she said. Attitude very evident in her tone.
Marcel looked over at me and we exchanged the same grave look and that's when I put the pedal to the metal.
Finally, Marcel and I made it to Russo's; in the nick of time, I might add.
Once we got out of the vehicle we could hear Davina, and some loud thuds.
Once inside, my eyes adjusted to the scene quickly.
"I'm going to enjoy this, girl." From the back I couldn't really tell who it was, but the voice alone made my skin crawl as I got a very unsettling feeling.
The vampire had Davina in his grasp, gripping her hard enough to leave bruises. He reared his head back, fangs elongated. He looked like a cobra, their prey wrapped in their death grip.
Not waiting around to watch what unfolds, I threw the vampire off of Davina sending him flying into the wall.
And once he straightened from the wall, his back aligning itself with every pop, I could not contain the shock and horror that was no doubt on my face.
"Father," I whispered barely getting the word out. I could feel myself beginning to tremble slightly.
I must not show fear, I thought.
"Hello, son. I'd hoped to see your brother first, but we have unfinished business as well.
Anger replaced fear in a violent instant. My fist came down, colliding with his face in a powerful downward strike;but he was fast. His hand came up and backhanded me. I lost my footing and stumbled backwards into the bar almost in a heap. That was all it took. Michael didn't waste anytime. I tried to dodge him but he pushed me back against the bar, drawing the white oak stake from behind him.
No, I thought.


I stayed in the Bayou with the wolves until the sun went down. It felt nice to be around my kind. Well, I suppose it's half of my kind now. Either way, it was nice to be thrown into familiarity after what seemed like an eternity of wallowing in my own grief. Oliver and I reached an agreement so that the wolves aren't left unprotected. Its a win-win. I get what I want and he gets what he wants.
Back at the compound, I had some of the wolves close on my heels.
"Take any of the rooms on the first floor," I said to the group.
And like clockwork, Klaus appeared.
"Are we running a kennel now?" He demanded.
"I'll handle them."
"Our family is under siege. It is not the time for guests," he said slowly, emphasizing his words.
"If they're not with us, they're with the witches." Which I thought was obvious to Klaus, but I guess not. "You asked me to step up; this is me stepping up.
His eyes smiled triumphantly. "Well it seems I'm a good influence on you after all."
"Well aren't you the modest type?" i asked him jokingly.
He shrugged, feigning nonchalance as he gave me that incredible crooked smile of his. He scanned the wolves, searching.
"I don't see Oliver amongst them. Am I to assume you finished him off?"
I shook my head. "We made a deal. He'll pledge his loyalty to Cassie, report back and tell me everything that he learns."
"Well done."
I smiled and Klaus walked away. Feeling a sense of pride, I mentally patted myself on the back. I walked to the main entrance of the compound as two more wolves came in.
"You girls could just go in there." I pointed to the darkened hallway and they smiled at me.
Elijah came down the stairs in a dark blue suit, with a light blue shirt and a dark blue tie.
"Well you two have your hands full." He said.
"Were you just leaving?"
"To be perfectly honest with you, the presence of all of them here... It's a little much. But perhaps its for the best. You should be with your kind."
He gave me one last look and then left the compound, and for the first time in a long time, I felt longing. The longing for him that I had once before.

To Be Continued...

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