Sunday, November 17th, 2019

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To the girl in the bathroom,

I never got the chance, but I wanted to say, I loved your sleek black dress that hugged your pale skin tight before letting out at your waist. The way the dark matched your straight, dark brown hair and bold brown eyes that met mine across the sea of sinks. I smiled at you, but you looked away, and I wonder why it was exactly. Where you just silent when it came to strangers, or was it me in particular who scared you away? I kept washing my hands, but for the rest of the day I couldn't forget the way you stood, stiff and waiting for someone, ignoring everyone else around you with a blasè look in your eyes. I wish I could have made you smile, with a few words, but I myself am often like you. Quiet, watchful and untrusting. I hope you grow to be social though, for if you do, you will prosper better than most can. I light a candle for you in hopes to instill some bravery within you, as well as to let you know, you are beautiful.

Next time, I'll make you smile,

A Silent Watcher.

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