Friday, November 22nd, 2019

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To the boy who seems to struggle at the front of my class,

I know there is plenty you are dealing with, though I don't know what it is. I hardly see you smile, or laugh except when you think you are alone. You seem to find no joy or interest and anything, whether it's for school or not. You keep a blank, tired expression on your face always, and find the boundaries made to keep you safe pointless. I've never spoken to you, though I have spoken about you. I've never truly met you, and I don't know anyone who has. It perplexes me that someone could spend so much time alone and angry, and yet carry no scars. You feel a different type of loneliness, one that I have yet to understand. I want nothing more than to learn every crevice of your mind and get to know you, but I know you will not let me. Every day I feel a deep concern as I watch you from the back. Some instinct, some primal emotion drives me to want to help you, but I know I can't. You need a friend, and something to live for, and I can't say you don't have those things. I just have never seen any sign of their existence, and it worries me. Though I believe you could care less about me, I also hold onto the hope that there is still some kindness and joy within your heart. I light a candle for you today in hopes that you do have that light in your heart and just are hesitant to show it.

Join me in the back of the class,

A Silent Classmate

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