Hidden Scars - Steve Rogers

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Warning: This is not a light story, there is a lot of angst and there are some heavy themes surrounding mental health in the content. There are also scenes with sexual moments. Please read with discretion.

Also this is a really long one 5.6k words.

You had to stop, It was just too hot, and you were sweating too much. Your stomach was twisting in knots and it felt like you were going to vomit. Scratch that- you were going to vomit. You pulled back from the little competition between yourself, the two supper soldiers and Sam, and heaved into a nearby trash can.

"You okay Doll?" Asked Steve, your boyfriend of almost a year, running over to you. He started rubbing circles on your back and pushed the hair near your face behind your ears.

You heaved again, before nodding slightly. Pulling away from the trash, you tried to stand up but Steve brought you over to a shaded spot in the grass and sat you down.

Bucky finished his lap before coming over to check up on you, "You okay?"

"It seems that she's over heated" Steve says handing you his water bottle.

"She wouldn't be so hot if she actually wore summer workout gear," panted a tired Sam, "I mean who wears a long sleeve shirt and pants on such a hot day?" Taking small sips of water, you flip Sam off. He just laughs and sits besides you.

You had been an Avenger for a few years now, recruited for your skills, skills that were similar to Natasha's. You had no special powers or suits, but you were good at infiltration. Meaning you were a good undercover agent.

"How you feeling Doll?" Steve asks again, pressing his hand to your forehead.

"I'm fine," you say, "don't worry about me. Go run, I'm just going to sit for a minute."

Sam looks at his phone hearing a beep, "no can do. We're wanted in the briefing room. It's mission time."

The four of you go back to the tower, and head into the briefing room where the rest of the team was. The mission was simple. You and Steve would pose as a newly married couple on your honeymoon in Aruba.

During the next week, you will be there to gather information on one of the guests who would be staying there. This mission was solely recon and posed almost no threat.

After packing a bag, you and Steve were on your way to the airport. Going through the airport is always stressful, but the moment that makes everything worse is when the lady cop in security decides she has to pat him down. Thoroughly. Like very thoroughly. Once through, Steve sat you down and rubbed circles into your back, giving you small forehead kisses to calm you down.

You find yourself and Steve on a plane on your way to the beautiful island. The flight was five hours long, and the two of you spent the whole time cuddling on the plane. You took this opportunity to show Steve some of the movies he missed during his time in the ice. On the plane, there was a couple of movie options and in the end you watch some of the Disney classics.

When the plane landed, you got your bags and took a cab to your hotel. Once you arrived at the Ritz-Carlton, a beautiful five star hotel, you both went up to your room and unpacked.

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