Your Crimes - Thor Odinson

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Warning: this story contains depictions of mental and physical abuse.

It was at one of Tony's parties where Thor first noticed. It was the little things things that Wyatt did that bothered the Asgardian. Things like grabbing your arm, constantly needing to be touching you, and how aggressive he became when other people talked to you.

Your POV
Wyatt and I have been dating for a little over five months. He and I met at a local Starbucks after he accidentally spilled his drink on me. We started talking, and after a week of texting he asked me on a date.

He was so sweet, always texting me first thing in the morning and right before he went to sleep. We spent as much time together as possible. After every mission he would take me out on a date and we would cuddle at his apartment for hours. We were in love. But three months into our relationship he started changing. The first time he hit me we were in the middle of an argument. It was just a palm to the cheek, but it stung. He immediately apologized, kissing and hugging me, saying that he was so sorry. That he would never do it again.

I believed him, he promised it would never happen again. But over time it started happening more and more. He started pushing me around and grabbing me. Hitting became more common, but he always apologized after. So I stayed with him. I needed him.

He didn't want to come to the party, but I begged him. I told him that we wouldn't stay for long, and we could go up to my room afterwards.

Well he was sick of being at the party, and he was making sure that I knew it. He pulled at my arm, "Let's go (Y/n). I don't want to be here."

"I know, but Tony wants me to stay a little longer."

Leaning down, he whispers into my ear, "I don't give a damn what Tony fucking Stark wants. I want to go and you are not staying here by yourself."

"I promise that it will only be another half hour," I say placing my hand on his in attempt to get him to loosen his grip on my arm.

Instead of the letting go he tightens his grip, fingers digging into my skin, "you have fifteen minutes. Any longer and you're going to regret it when we get upstairs."

"O-okay," I nod my head and lower my gaze, hoping to keep things from further escalating. Finally he let go of my arm, walking towards the bar to get another drink. Taking a breath, I close my eyes. I stand there for a moment attempting to regain my composure.

"Are you alright Lady (Y/n)?" I look up and see Thor's newly discolored eyes looking down at me, full of concern.

"Oh Thor, hi. Yeah I'm fine. Why?" I ask biting my lip.

He looks at me with his brow furrowed and places a hand on my cheek, "I just thought-"

"(Y/n)!" I flinch at the sound of Wyatt's angry voice.

"Sorry Thor- I have to go." 

Thor called after me, "Wait! Lady (Y/n)-"

The elevator ride to my room was quiet, but I knew by the way Wyatt was standing that it wouldn't last long. As soon as my bedroom door was shut, his rage opened up.

"You fucking whore!" I felt his hands on my back, shoving me, "is this what you do when you go on missions?! Huh?! You fuck other guys?!"

"No- Wyatt I would never do that to you!"

"Don't fucking lie to me! You go around spreading your legs to every guy who asks, don't you!" Before I could protest any further, I was face down on the ground. "You know (Y/n), you're the reason I have to keep doing this. If you would just behave then I wouldn't have to punish you."

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