Soulmate - Bucky Barnes

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Warning: There are some dark topics in this surrounding mental health.

Soulmates. The person you are destined to be with. Everyone when born has their soulmate's number on their right wrist and your own number on your left.

Back in the '40s, my soulmate number was different than those around me. My soulmate had eleven digits and four letters. Everyone I knew had six numbers and one letter. My own was number, B937621. It always confused me, why was my soulmate's number different? 

That question was answered when I realized I was in a new century. After coming to terms with what Hydra did, taking away my own number, I started thinking about my future. The people from this century had longer soulmate numbers, and it made me think. Would my soulmate even want me? With all the things I have done in the past, who would want to be my soulmate? I'm a monster.

The team was sitting in the lounge around the coffee-table, talking and playing games on a rare day off. As the group joked and laughed around, I sat back and watched from the fancy couch across the room. Taking another sip of beer, I laughed at Thor's antics from afar.

"Hey, Bucky," Wanda said as she sat on my right.


"How come you aren't sitting with the group?"

"I know not everyone is comfortable around me. Plus I like just observing." I take another useless sip of my beer.

"Well is it alright if I stay here with you?"

"Be my guest."

We sat there for a while just listening to the team make fun of Steve for calling out 'language' when Natasha swore.

"So how come you're not with the team?"

"My friend was hospitalized again. Drinking just didn't seem appropriate."

I just nodded in response, not wanting to pry.

"I feel like I don't know you. Well, I know the basics but I don't know a lot about who you really are." Wanda crosses her legs and turns to face me. "Tell me about yourself."

"There's really not much to me..."

"C'mon. What were you like in the '40s? What did you want to do with your life? What's your favorite color? There's a lot to know."

I laugh, looking at the curious young brunette sitting next to me. "Well, I kept Steve out of fights or at least finished the ones he started. I was always running around with a girl, usually trying to get one to look at Steve." I finished the last few sips of my beer and put the bottle on the floor, "I don't really know what I wanted to be. I ended up being a Sargent, and a member of the Howling Commandos. That was a fun group. I mean it was tough but they were good guys."

Wanda leaned against her palm, looking at me and smiling. "What about your favorite color?"

"It used to be red, but you know... now I think it's blue. What about you?"

"Red, if you couldn't tell by my outfit," she laughed, motioning to her clothes. "What about your family?"

"Both my parents died by the time I was ten."

"I'm sorry to hear that. I know how awful losing your parents is."

"It was harder on my little sister Rebecca. She was so young at the time... she was put in a boarding school while I stayed on the military base. I met Steve a while later, he wasn't that much different. I mean sure, he was smaller and was sick a lot, but he was the same person that he is today. Just a little bossier now."

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2020 ⏰

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