Headlines - Tony Stark

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I know this has been done before but I love this idea sm! A short, fluffy one shot!

Tony and I have been dating for a few months. We were still relatively new, and for the most part it was great. We would go on dates, watch movies together and cuddle on the couch in the tower. He was still an ego-maniac but he started toning it down once I called him out one day on a date. 

We had our occasional fight. They usually occurred after I would drag him out of his lab, but they never lasted long. He would come to my room later and apologize for being a jerk, saying that he was stressed and took it out on me when I was just trying to help. 

Dating Tony was amazing. You might think that it would be all about the expensive dates and flashy toys, but in reality, we had the most fun together when it was just the two of us. Of course he still buys me flashy things, but I usually make him return them. It's not my style. 

The only major downside was the paparazzi. 

I am a doctor. I worked with Dr. Helen Cho and many others on treatments that could help the human body heal faster. My work is what got me transferred to the Avengers tower. I worked hard and always did whatever I could to help out. With all the lab work I do, you could say I wasn't used to being in the pubic eye. 

Tony told me not to read anything online, but when you are dating one of the most famous men in the world your name comes up a lot. The headlines are written to get you to read them, and it worked well. And as they say- curiosity killed the cat. 

Headlines like "The truth behind Stark's new girl" and "If (Y/n) can do it so can you" and "Stark's standards have dropped!"  were popping up everywhere.

Of course they were all ridiculous, but they made you read. 

None of the articles were positive, and after reading dozens of news pieces about what is wrong with your body over and over again, it gets into your head.

We were lying in his bed, my back towards Tony. I have my own room, but Tony insisted that I slept with him instead. He says that having me near him helps calm him down, and reduces his nightmares. 

But it was hard to fall asleep with everything that the gossip columns say running through my mind. It all got to me after a while. I started hating my body. My hair, my eyes, my stomach, my thighs, all of me was repulsive. So when Tony wanted to cuddle at night, I pushed him away.

"What's wrong baby?"

"Nothing Tony, just go to sleep."

"Fine but I wanna cuddle..." he throws his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him. Tony nuzzles his nose into the back of my neck and relaxes. His body pressed against mine and I could feel his warmth radiating off of him. I tried to fall asleep but those articles kept popping into my head.

'Tony Stark's new girl is definitely not his usual style.' 

'Maybe he hit his head while fighting.' 

'She's definitely a downgrade from his last fling.'

I throw his arm off, "Tony stop."


"I- I'm all bloated..." 

"I don't care baby." His fingers trace up and down my side.

"Well I care."

He sits up in bed, looking down at me, "Have you been reading the gossip columns again?"

"It doesn't matter," I mumble into the pillow.

"You know that they're bull shit! Baby common. I just want to hold my sexy ass girlfriend in my arms and sleep."

Ignoring him, I curl tighter into a ball and scoot further to the edge of the bed.

"Baby..." Tony grabs me and pulls me further onto the bed. 

He crawls down the bed, trailing his hands down my sides. "I fucking love your body," Tony mumbles under the sheets. "I love these beautiful thighs," he kisses both of my legs. "I love your beautiful stomach," another kiss places near my belly button. "Your beautiful hips," more kisses. "Your chest," a kiss between my breasts. "Your hands," he starts kissing my hands. "Your arms," he places multiple kisses up my arm to my "shoulders" and my "neck." "Your adorable face," he places kisses on my cheeks, nose and forehead. "Your hair," he places a kiss on the top of my head. "But most importantly I love you." He cups his face with his warm hands. "I love how you don't put up with my bullshit, how you love me for who I am, how smart you are, how kind you are to others... I love you."

"I love you too Tony."

"Now can we cuddle? I can't sleep without you in my arms."

I let out a small laugh, "sure baby."

"Goodnight (Y/n)."

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