All You Had To Do Was Ask - Peter Quill

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Warning: Slight smut - nothing in major detail

"Fuck Quill!" (Y/n) moaned out as her legs shook.

My release followed her a minute later before I collapsed on the bunk next to her panting body. We lay there for a moment catching our breath.

(Y/n) and I have been hooking up for a while now. Ever since S.H.I.E.L.D. gave the order, she has been flying with the guardians. Her fun and laid back personality meshed well with our little group. Needless to say she caught my attention fairly quickly.

"Alright, up and out Star Lord. I need some beauty sleep." She rolled onto her stomach, folding her arms and resting her head in them.

"Can I at least put my pants on first?" I laugh, sitting up.

"I'll allow it," her response came out as a soft giggle as she watched me pull on my clothes. After covering up I grab my remaining clothes that were scattered across the floor and head for the door. I stop at the sound of her sleepy voice, "thanks for indulging me again Quill."

"Anything for you babe." And with that, I step out of her quarters and close the door. Leaving her room after hooking up was always bittersweet. On one hand I'm getting laid. On the other hand it's just getting laid. As I finish pulling on my shirt, I bump into Gamora.

"Another fun night with (Y/n)?" She asks with a smirk on her face.

I roll my eyes and finish pulling putting on my belt, "How'd you know?"

"I'm going to grab a bite. Want to join?"


Gamora and I were together before (Y/n) came aboard. Even though we really liked each other, our relationship didn't last. We broke up mutually, deciding we weren't right for each other.

"So are you two getting together?"

"I don't think so..." I say, sitting down on one of the stools. 

"You want to though, right?" 

"Hell yes I do. But she doesn't want that, and I'd do anything for her."

"Even drive yourself crazy?"

"Look, this is what she wants. And it's not like I'm not getting anything out of our arrangement. I'm just happy that she's happy."

"I call bull shit." Gamora says in a singsongy voice. She tossed me some space food and sat down. "Quill, I see how this has been affecting you."

"And just how has this been affecting me Gamora?"

"You're obsessed with her! You follow her around like a lost puppy! Not to mention you're at her beck and call."

"Yes, we both know that I really like her. What's your point?"

She leans across the small table and grabs my hands, "Peter, you know I care about you, I want you to be happy. (Y/n) is the best thing to ever happen to you, and I don't want you to let her go because you were too scared."

"I'm not scared."

"Cut the macho man act." 

I roll my eyes but give her a small smile, "So what do I do?"

(Y/n)'s POV

Over the next few days, it seemed like Quill was avoiding me. When I came by his cabin for another stress relief session he said no. This in it's self isn't big deal, but when paired with him avoiding me altogether, I got concerned.

It was annoying, but I put it off. He was probably upset over something small and would be back to normal in a few days.

Our next stop was at a planet called Troyihines. The planet was similar to Earth, the surface was solid but underneath was water. As we approached our docking point, Quill pulled me to the side.

"Want to explore a bit? I heard that the surface is a lot like Earth's."

"I didn't know we were talking again."

His hand flew to the back of his neck and he let out an awkward chuckle. "Yeah... sorry about that. I've had a lot of things on my mind for the past few days." His excuse obviously a lie, but I let it slide. "So... exploring?"

"Sounds fun. Is Gamora coming?"

"No. I was thinking just you and me."

I look at him for a second, trying to decipher what he meant, "Alright."

After Quill was sure that the Milano was getting fulled and repaired, he took a quick trip out to the local town saying that he needed to grab a few things. He met me back at the ship and we went out exploring. The two of us walked for a while before Peter spotted a grassy spot under some tree like structures. He opened his backpack and pulled out a blanket, spreading it across the ground.

"You know, if you wanted another round we could have done it on the ship." I kneel in front of him and start unbuttoning my shirt.

"Whoa, hang on there (Y/n)." He re-buttons my shirt before pulling two sandwiches like snacks from his bag. "I was thinking we could have a picnic, like the ones on Earth."

"Oh, that actually sounds nice." I grab one the sandwich held out towards me and started eating. "Did you get these when you went into town?"

"Yeah, I figured that they would have similar foods to Earth since the planets are similar." He took a bite of his sandwich and smiled, "I was sick of space food."

"Well we should definitely stock up before taking off again."

Quill and I sat in the shade talking about everything from our lives on Earth, to our hobbies, to our teams. It was a really nice conversation, and I felt like I actually got to know him for the first time. 

"You know... I was surprised when you asked me to go exploring with you. But this was really fun."

"I'm glad. I've wanted to get to know you for a while now. Outside of sex, I mean."

"That's fun too."

"There's no question about that," he lays down and looks up at they sky. "I've been meaning to talk to you about something..."

"Sounds serious."

Quill lays there for a minute, thinking over whatever it is he wants to say. "Do you think we could try being more then friends with benefits? It's fine if you say no, I just really like you and wanted to at least ask."

I think his word over for a moment, "sure."


"Yeah. I like hanging out and talking to you. Plus we're already sleeping together. So why not?"

"That was no where near as difficult as I thought it would be," he laughs, looking up at me with a smirk on his face.

"Is this the reason you've been avoiding me for the last few days?"

"Yeah. I was thinking over dozens of ways to bring the topic up."

"All you had to do was ask me Peter. You didn't have to do all this you dumb ass."

"What? You don't like romantic gestures?" He asks in a mock offended tone.

"I'm just saying that I would have said yes even if it was after sex or something." I lay down and snuggle up against his warm torso. "But I do love the Earth picnic. It was really sweet of you."

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