Dead End

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The day went by so fast. That usually the case when you are enjoying. For years, Jennie spent majority of her days studying, reading books and thinking about her childhood friend, never did she had fun like this. Spending more time with her bubbly best friend and her new found friends. She needed not to say it but she is genuinely thankful for them. She can't deny the fact she is starting to develop feelings for Lisa since she has been stealing glances at her all day. Or does she? Is she really falling for her or it's because she suspects the younger girl to be her long lost friend?

Lisa: I think you had enough beer. *distracting Jennie from her thoughts*

Jennie: Yes. This is my last bottle. I might end up like Jisoo who's practically drunk and sleeping next to the bonfire. *Look at Rose covering Jisoo with a blanket*

Lisa: She's fun. She might be going through personal battles but I think she's handling it well.

Jennie: She does. She always did. *smiles genuinely at the sleeping Jisoo who slapped her own face and started scratching it*

Lisa: I think I should tell you something. *shifting herself to properly face Jennie*

Jennie: Oh. Really. Tell me. *curious and a bit excited. Asks herself if this is the time Lisa will tell her she's Elisabeth *

Lisa: I think I need to —— *Jennie's phone started ringing*

Jennie: *she looks at the caller ID and saw Uncle, which means Alpha 1 is calling* Sorry, I need to take this. *Lisa nods*

Jennie started to walk away from the bonfire towards the beach so she can have privacy.

Jennie: Hello uncle. How are you?

Alpha 1: I am fine princess. I have details about your friend now. It was quite easy to find her information. It feels like everything was there out in the open. *chuckles*

Jennie: Wow. That's fast. Thank you uncle.

Alpha 1: Your friend, she is not just a friend, is she princess?

Jennie: *blushes* She is, uncle. Just trying to learn more about her.

Alpha 1: Alright princess. If you say so, but I think you'll like her even more when you go through the details I sent you.

Jennie: Thank you uncle.

Alpha 1: Alright. Take care princess. Say hi to your "friend" for me.

Jennie: Uncle!

Alpha 1: *laughs* Just kidding princess. But if you do like her, uncle approves.

Jennie: Thank you but I don't like her. Maybe not yet. Bye uncle.

Alpha 1: Bye. See you soon princess.

Jennie ended the call and went back her friends when she noticed that Lisa is now carrying Jisoo on her back and started walking towards the resort.

Jennie: Again?

Rose: Unnie, there were mosquitoes biting Jisoo's face so Lisa decided to carry Chu to your room.

Jennie: Okay. Should we head back too?

Rose: I, uhm. Can we talk unnie?

Jennie: Sure. What is it?

Rose: I know you hate my dad and you probably don't like me too because of what happened after that night.

Jennie: Hate is a strong word Rose. I have adored Mr Park when I was younger. He was always nice and caring to me and Lili. I just felt disappointed.

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