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You know that feeling of dread? The one that rises this unquenchable fear in the pit of your stomach? That makes you feel queasy, upset and just off your feet? That's what most people call anxiety. But for Amira, she's visited everyday by its elder brother. Panic attack.

It goes like this. She wakes up every morning like trying to get air underwater. Impossible. And you know that three seconds of fear you get when you trip? Well it's just like that, just this happens constantly. And at times she just gets this rush of adrenaline, her sense of fear and survival at the pinnacle but in actuality, she's just sharing a plate of breakfast with Rida.

Baseline is, she was pretty much, actually, undeniably, getting sticked to the very guy who hated her more than anything else in the world in a week!

He'd proven to her more than enough times to make her get it. He hates her, nothing less. But she couldn't back out now, he also had to get that. They were getting married. Stamped!

She couldn't wait for Nabeelah to arrive. She really needed someone by her side. Yusuf was there, but she needs others too. Mumcy will be arriving three days to the wedding with Aunt Hajarah and Bahira. She'll stop at Hajiya Salmah's in Abuja and they'll all come together.

She got a transfer to ABU Zaria to continue from her last year. That surprised her. She never thought they'd let her. Gosh is she gonna miss her mates.

She nilled all the traditional bridal 'preparations'. Why do all that when the mutual feeling between them is hate? But Hajiya Halimah managed to convince her to a few 'natural' ones and she'd started that day. She actually liked the regimen, it had everything to do with perfumes and skin care and she felt new!

After the day's session, she went to check up on Goggo. She's been down with flu and as expected, Ali was there. The look he gives her itself is venomous.

"How're you feeling Goggo?" She asked after the greeting which as usual, he answered with a hum.

"Ahamdulillah." She answered frailly.

"Let me leave Ma." Ali went on his feet.

"Please try to talk to them Bebe, civilly please."

"They will make it."


"Don't worry Mama."

"Ok, but don't forget you two will be going to pick up Nabeelah."

"Okay." He left.

"Have you taken your medicine?" She sat beside her.


"Need anything else?"

"No, Bebe has done everything. Just go get ready."

"Sure?" She raised a brow.

"Yes." Goggo smiled.

"Sure sure?"

"Sure sure sure." They laughed.

* * *

Ali came into his flat to meet Umar and Khalil with some household workers. He shut his eyes, taking in a deep breath.

"I was about sending a search party for you." Umar said and Ali opened his eyes.

I almost forgot about them.

The Chief maid; Baba Maryama, her assistant; Larai and three others who're the oldest in the house, Ado, the cook, the head of security and the chief royal guard all bowed and greeted him and he hummed, heading for his kitchenette to get a bottle of coke.

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