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Draco led a clawful of soldiers towards a deep blue ocean. His gaze was stern and his tail twitched as his wings tucked into his side. "Don't attack until I give the order," He ordered his cats. He took a few paces towards the water, unleashing his claws just in case King Shark was planning an ambush. Draco and Shark used to be good friends, talking about she-cats and how they'd make their kingdoms better. That all changed the day Shark was crowned king. His first order was to attack the winged cat's kingdom, it was the first time Draco felt the weight of betrayal. 

The water started to shimmer and stir. Draco watched as a dark grey Seacat led a group of his own to the surface. Draco tensed and got ready incase Shark attacked him again, Draco knew Shark didn't care about tradition. "Finally overcome that pathetic little conflict?" Shark mused, his sharp yellow gaze looking at Draco as if he was merely prey.

Draco glared, a hiss slowly leaving his throat. "Little conflict?! You caused a two-year war which killed thousands!!" Draco snapped, wings flaring with anger. Shark simply shrugged and chuckled, his scaley tail flicking to the other side as he grinned with a relaxed expression. Draco almost completely lost it from that.

"It wasn't that bad, you still have a kingdom after all." Shark mused, his ear flicking. "Now what nonsense do we have to do for the stupid tradition everyone keeps nagging at me about," He asked, a sharp and more demanding hiss in his tone. Draco glared at him, claws digging into the earth below him. 

"The sharing of royal bloodlines," Draco hissed, "in case your slimy brain forgot, it's where each kingdom shares their children and heirs to the throne." Draco's wings twitched, his tail lashing quickly behind him. 

Shark had this sick grin spread across his face, Draco felt a wave of fear prickle through his pelt. "Well isn't that nifty~" Shark purred, taking a few steps towards Draco. Draco raised his wings to tell Shark to stop or else, Shark got the hint and knocked it off. "I have a few kits born. We have Coral, Raddle, and Dolphin. " Shark mused, his slick fishtail making a slight dust cloud from the sand by him.

Draco tensed slightly, he held his head high to prove to his guards he could handle this. "We have Angelus and Luna. My queen is expecting as we speak." Draco growled, he folded his wings back and paced a little. 

Shark nodded, walking around a bit, eyes never leaving Draco. "Ya know Draco, you should never trust an enemy~" The king Mercat stated. before Draco could reply, Shark lept at him, hissing loudly.  The guards on both sides lept into battle. Loud yowls broke out across the beach. 

Draco felt a stab of pain across his right eye. He let out a loud yowl and used his wings to flare the other king off him. Shark let out an insane crackle as Draco felt where his eye had been struck, everything was dark with that eye. 

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