Dolphin felt her breath quiver. She stared at her father through the bars of her prison. A sharp scowl left her lips as she glared. "I'm fed up with your games. let me out NOW!" Dolphin snapped,  her tail banging against the thick stone bars. 

King Shark turned and looked at his daughter. A sly smirk lingering across his face. He swam over to the stoned cage, an amused purr rumbling out his throat. "Or what? you can't do anything to me!" He said followed with a laugh.

Dolphin growled, her sharp teeth bared. She felt her claws sweep into the stone and water under them. "This," she muttered bitterly. Shark cocked his head to the side waiting for her to do something before holding his muzzle and wincing. Blood started to occupy the water around Sharks muzzle as his teeth very slowly started to tear themselves out of his jaw. 

Shark let out a loud yowl of pain. Dolphin felt a smile cross across her face, she felt like she could do this all day. "STOP IT!!" Shark screamed, pain filling up his voice. Dolphin felt her smile widen more. She flicked her claw and Shark's teeth went back to normal.

"Let me go" Dolphin growled. Her blue tail lifting her ever so slightly in the cage. She saw Shark growl and turn away, it made her blood boil. She quickly slashed at the stone in front of her, making tiny little stone thorns.  She narrowed her eyes at the seaking and watched as the stone chips started to fire into the tom. 

Shark let out a scream of pain. He sunk down to the floor tried to claw at the stones but they were too quick.  "ALRIGHT FINE!" He snapped. Dolphin swept her tail to the side and the stones stopped wounding the king. 

Shark grumbled as he swam over to the cage. he cocked his head to the side and the stone bars turned into lush green kelp. Dolphin brushed through the kelp with ease and looked at the tom glaring at her. "Thanks, Daddy~" She purred. Dolphin swam past the grey tom and out of the room, a gentle smirk across her face.

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