(Third personish)

Speckles slowly blinked awake. She yawned softly then crawled out of her nest of silk and cotton. The young feather cat padded to her window and sighed. "another morning..," she murmured quietly. Speckles heard a gentle flap against the room's entrance and glanced over. 

Her room was a gentle silver with patches of white pearls and golden stars. the floor was a dark grey with a white wolf's pelt that covered a quarter of the floor. Speckles looked at the feathered cat in her entranceway, the soft green vines almost against the other. "Morning Angel," Speckles said softly. The black and white tom nodded, his purplish blue eyes stained with grief from so long ago. Angel had thick short fur which was black with white dapples all over it as well as ginger freckles under his eyes and on his chest and throat. He wore a ruby and silver bracelet with black diamond earrings.

Angel flicked his tail. "Morning Speckles," He replied. The tom padded a few steps towards Speckles. He looked her up and down, examining her white calico fur and multi-colored eyes. Speckles gave him a bright smile, a purr of welcoming slipping out her throat. 

Angel padded over to Speckles and gently wrapped his big black and white wings around her, nuzzling into the smaller feathered cat. "Dad told you to watch me again... didn't he?" Speckles asked, looking up at her older brother. Angel sighed quietly and nodded, gently wrapping his tail around the she-cat. 

Speckles sighed softly. She gently pushed away from her brother before walking to the window. "I might not be old enough for any huge jobs... but I am old enough to take care of myself" she stated to Angel. Angel opened his mouth to protest but Speckles jumped out the window before he could. 

"SPECKLES!" Angel called, running to the window, his wings stretched out to take flight. Speckles let herself fall for a moment before flipping over and spreading her wings, the wind boosting her up. 

She flapped her wings as she dove into the sky above. Speckles felt a smile slide across her muzzle. The wind brushed through Speckles's fur and feathers as she dashed higher every second.

Speckles FlightWhere stories live. Discover now