Chapter 1: Satan's son?

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(Third person view)

Rin Okumura the navy-haired boy was standing protectively in front of his little brown-haired brother Yukio Okumura. Rin had been yelling at the bullies to back off for the last few minutes but they only proceeded to mock and tease him further as well as make fun of the younger. Rin had gotten fed up of trying not to get into fights like his father said and sprinted at the boy with his fist raised and punched the boy square in the nose. He stub led back and covered his bleeding nose in pain.

The two other boys saw this and ran straight at Rin who had been nicknamed demon child many times before. "You demon!" He knocked the two boys down denying the words and telling ten to never touch his brother again.

Rin was short on breath as he turned around and smiled at his brother and out his thumb up, "it's okay, they won't hurt you now Yukio." Rin told him as his breathing slowly steadied from the lack of activity. "Nii~San..." Yukio looked up as his brother sadly but proceeded to smile. Rin put his hand out which Yukio took in return and stood up.


"Rin, what have I told you about hurting other students," Shiro said disappointed which he'd mastered during the number of times he's scolded Rin. Rin clenched his fists annoyed and shouted back unable to understand what he did wrong. "They were hurting Yukio!" For some reason, that didn't validate Rin and he didn't understand that. These fights were becoming more frequent as the days went on and Shiro couldn't help but put them into his daily routine. "Rin, you need to learn to use your words instead of resorting to violence first hand." "But they did but they wouldn't stop!" Rin once again yelled back. Shiro couldn't blame the boy for being violence but having Yuri's stubbornness made it worse when it came to times like these.

Shiro sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose giving up fighting Rin. "Well, as your punishment you're grounded for the next two days. Now go to your room." Rin's face lit up instantly and the words, it meant he got to be with Yukio. He bolted up the stairs but slowed down right before he netted and his and Yukio's room as Shiro told him not to run.

Rin opened the door and sat on his bed as Yukio spoke up. "Hey Rin, did dad tell you off again?" Yukio asked like it was an everyday question. "Yeah, he did, I don't understand why though, I protected you and that's what matters. It was their fault anyway." Rin replied referring to the bullies he had best up. "Still, you shouldn't hurt people Nii~san," Yukio told his brother as Rin looked down at his hands on his knees. Rin knew he wasn't going to win this so-called fight with his brother so he gave up. "well, are you okay Yukio?" Rin asked concerned still. "Yes, I'm okay, thanks to you," Yukio said reassuring his twin with a smile.

Rin got up from his bed and went over to Yukio and looked at him with a straight face, he no longer had his usual smile plastered on his face. "Nii~San?..." Yukio asked worriedly.

Yukio burst out in a fit of laughter as Rin started to tickle him, he had a grin on his face while doing so. "I-I'm gonna! Ahaha haha! Die!" they both started laughing but soon Rin was tackled to the ground and began his own laughing fit.

Shiro heard the laughing and began to walk upstairs to the twins' bedroom but before he reached the door the laughing stopped and started. He proceeded to open the door to see Rin on the floor laughing with Yukio a top tickling the older. "Haha, payback!" Yukio started laughing. "Hahaha ha, s-sta... ap please!" The navy haired boy begged for forgiveness from the one atop him. Rin eventually managed to flip them so Rin was atop the younger. Shiro came. Up behind the two and flipped Yukio off before tickling the two as they once again both bursts into fits of laughter and a large smile appeared on the man's face as he joined in laughing a little too.


It was late at night, around midnight to be precise, Rin had awoken to the sound of talking. He got out of bed to look up at the other bunk bed to find Yukio gone. He looked around the room but the teen was nowhere to be seen leaving one place, downstairs.

He tiptoed downstairs quietly as he could and reached the open doorway - which had no door only the frame of one - to see Yukio and Shiro talking, he hid out of sight so he could listen to the two talking but what he heard was not what he expected.

"So, tomorrow I'll be bringing you to True Cross Academy," Shiro told his youngest son and the one who knew of the families secrets that left the fest in the dark. "Alright, but I want to bring Rin." Sadness filled his voice and seen so much in his eyes, Yukio hated being away from his brother and lying but he knew it was for good reason. Shiro sighed, "you can't, remember, Rin is the one with the flames if he came he could be killed by the Vatican if they ever found out you two are Satan's sons."

Rin's eyes widened at what he was hearing. 'No, it can't be true, dad doesn't lie... Does he?' Rin's thoughts were going a 100mph. Rin felt tears slowly slip from his eyes and run down his cheeks. Rin thought he'd heard enough and wiped his eyes and decided to head back upstairs but stopped dead in his tracks on the stairs as a clash of thunder and lightning sounded. Rin had to hold in a scream and whimpers so he covered his mouth with his hand. Rin bolted to his and Yukio's room quietly as he could and hid under the blanket. He tried to stay quiet but to no avail, he gave out a choked scream from the tears streaming down his cheeks from the fear and the new information he learned.

The father and son both heard the scream and both looked the where the cream came from worriedly Yukio looked back to Shiro who only nodded and quickly ran to his brother's aid. He saw the shape of his brother under the blanket quivering. He pulled off the blanket and slipped into the bed and held his brother reassuring he was okay and the lighting could get him.

He seemed to quiet down further into the night but yet still seems tense but put aside as Yukio followed in pursuit of his brother and drifted off to a peaceful slumber.


The days after Rin found out he was Satan's son he had seemed a little off to the others in the monastery. He would avoid them and Shiro did try talking to the boy but he returned in saying he was fine and had no reason to worry. Both were lies they could all see-through. Over time he did return to his old self but he was still oddly quiet around the residents of the church and new people.

"Hey, Rin, are you okay? You haven't been yourself lately." Shiro squatted down in front of his eldest son as he spoke to him. "I'm fine," Rin replied with the biggest smile he could muster in his current situation. Rin couldn't understand it, why were they all being so nice to him if he was the devil's son, the literal son of Satan. Shiro stood up and ruffled the boy's hair. "Alright kiddo, we're all here if ya ever need to talk." He smiled before walking off.


It had been a few weeks since Rin had found his families little 'secret'. Yukio had been going out more and was convinced it was to get away from. But he'd found these 'weird' books as he nicknamed them that Yukio keeps under a floorboard. He tripped on it as it was loose and thus how he found them.

Rin was never an excellent reader but he could read well enough to read them but understanding them was a whole other concept. It had been about types of demons, their weaknesses and how to exorcise them. There was also a smaller book on the what had been called the eight demon Kings, one of them was living in True Cross Academy where Yukio was.

Rin continued to read more and more and every book Yukio brought home until Yukio stopped one day already having learnt enough.

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