Chapter 8: Finale

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(Third person view)

Ryuji instantly stood up from his chair and grabbed Rin's hand not caring that both of them were blushing from the contact. Rin tightly gripped the holders as Ryuji looked at his parents worriedly and they understood what was happening and bounced into action. "Shiro, Yukio, go with them," Torako instructed as she and Tatsuma rushed off to the weapons room.

Rin and the two other males followed Ryuji down the hall and Ryuji bent down to remove the rug to reveal a hatch and quickly opened it letting Shiro and Yukio go down the pushing Rin down before closing. "I'll be right back Rin," Rin yelled after him hammering his fists on the hatch but no response was given. 

They all stayed silent for a moment before Shiro asked what was going on. Silence was his answer, well, other than Rin's irregular breathing.

Rin only continued to panic more with the silence enveloping the room, he hated silence in these types of situations. Right now Rin would rather as it he likes Ryuji than sit in the silence that suffocated him. Telling Ryuji he liked him was something he would love to do but he found it impossible. He knew Ryuji would be by his side even if he knew he was bisexual but telling him he liked him and possibly ruining their friendship was a whole other thing.

Soon enough the hatch opened again and a loud crash broke the silence and dusk falling from the ceiling. Ryuji locked the hatch as he made his way down the small ladder. He made his at over to Rin and handed him his teddy and looked at the teddy and then looked at Ryuji and hugged him tightly whispering a thank you but scolded the older for leaving and asking to never leave like that again. Rin gripped harder every second scared if he let go Ryuji would disappear again. Ryuji brought the boy over to the wall where he sat and Rin in between his chest and knees holding his teddy and Ryuji's arms safely wrapped around him.

Ryuji noticed Rin's saddened look and asked what was wrong. "N-Nothing," Ryuji didn't take it for an answer. "Look at me." He ordered and the boy refused. Ryuji put his hand to the boy's chin making him look up. They looked at each others blushing faces before locking eyes and soon leaning in.

"So, what's going on?" The two boys looked over at the others in room just remembering they weren't alone and were interrupted. Shiro and Yukio both knew they'd interrupted something and all sat in an awkward silence before Ryuji got himself together again.

"Demons are attacking as they want to take Rin to Gehenna," Ryuji said it shortly giving the basic information to the two. "I see,"  Shiro was a little shocked to say the least to hear demons were coming after Rin but didn't show it in his expressions and kept himself collected. "This has happened once before but at the time we didn't know they were after Rin until his blue flames were released." Ryuji continued to inform and the others understood.

Ryuji made sure to keep a continue a conversation with Rin even if he only gave short hums and nods as a response as the older knew the blue-net didn't like the silence, in fact, he hated it, it scared him.

Rin covered his ears instantly when loud crashes and sounds of gunshots going off and Ryuji quickly covered Rin with his body to protect the younger but it wasn't the ceiling collapsing they needed to worry about.

"Shit!" A yell was heard within the cloud of smoke before a scream was heard. They all instantly brought their attention to it knowing it was Rin.

The smoke cleared there stood a six-foot goblin gripping Rin with its large hands. Smaller goblins surrounded it like guards ready to attack on cue. "Rin!" Yukio shouted after his brother as Shiro stops helplessly as there was no known fatal verse for a goblin.

Rin had his eyes clenched shut and was held helplessly in the hands of the goblin, teddy lost in the ruble. He wanted it to be over, to live a normal life, to be happy but it was just his kick he was stuck in a world where demons were real and he was the son of Satan.

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