☆彡 sixteen ★彡

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It was a bright and sunny morning at Green Gables. Spring has sprung out of its shell and winter is no more. The trees and flowers were beginning to bloom. The breeze was warm and fresh. The sun shined elegantly into Anne Shirley-Cuthbert's room.  It was a perfect day for Anne's 16th birthday.

On everybody's 16th birthday, they get a symbol on their body symbolizing a past/future event which leads you to your soulmate. Everyone gets excited to get their mark to finally meet 'the one'. But there are some who don't get a symbol at all.

The sun's beautiful and bright rays woke Anne up. She sleepily got up and braided her hair. As soon as she fixed up her hair, she screamed, "TODAY'S MY BIRTHDAY!".  How could she forget? She quickly dressed herself in a green dress. She had to admit, she looked amazing today.

As Anne slowly walked downstairs to the dining table, Marilla & Matthew Cuthbert hugged her and wished her a wonderful birthday. On the fine dining table laid a beautiful birthday cake. 

"This cake is so wonderful! You really didn't have to do this.", said Anne with a bright smile on her face.

"Of course we had to make this cake! Your birthday is your special day.", replied Marilla Cuthbert with tears in her eyes. Her little Anne wasn't so little anymore. She's 16 for crying out loud!  Marilla realized she needed to start letting go of Anne. She was heading to Queens very soon.

Matthew stood there quietly admiring Anne. Similarly, Anne wasn't the same little girl she was 1 or 2 years ago. She is growing into the great young lady she is meant to be. 

The Cuthberts happily sung the 'Happy Birthday Song' to Anne. Anne smiled throughout the song. Mainly because she was about to see her symbol very soon. She just hopes she doesn't end up like those poor souls who don't even receive a symbol at all. Well...maybe that would be great. 

It'd make a great tragical romance after all....

Everybody ate the scrumptious cake Marilla gladly made for Anne.

"Oh how delicious this is! All the flavors blend together so perfectly to make one amazing flavor. Oh and the exterior of the cake..how lovely it is to the eye! And-"

Anne was cut off by Marilla. "Anne, don't you have school?".

"Oh yes! I'll continue this conversation as I come back from school! Goodbye!". Anne quickly grabbed her famous hat and school supplies and left Green Gables. Marilla and Matthew both smiled to each other, happy they kept Anne and helped shape her into the lady she is today.


Anne reached her destination just in time. She sighed with relief. She opened the door to see her greatest friends hug her and wish her a happy birthday. Oh, however grateful she is for her friends!  

"Happy birthday Anne! Thank you for being the best kindered spirit in the world!"

"Happy birthday! Enjoy it to the fullest!"

Or simply, a "Happy birthday!"

"Why thank you everybody, it's greatly app-"

"Happy birthday Anne!", a familiar voice shouted.

Gilbert Blythe.

Gilbert slowly walked toward Anne, his heart skipping a beat. They both held a stare until he was less than a feet away from her. He slowly embraced her, his hands confined to her waist. Anne returned the hug, but she didn't enjoy it as much as Gilbert did. 

Everyone gawked at the two. 

"W-why thank you.", she simply replied.

Gilbert nodded with a small grin on his face, admiring all of Anne's beauty. Her grey tinted eyes. Her hair (which was now turning a wonderful auburn color), and her beautiful figure. She was just....perfect.

She sweetly smiled back at Gilbert. She was surprised at the fact her heart was beating fast...

Very fast.

What was this feeling? I can't like Gilbert. I swore to be his enemy. But...I'm his friend now. Oh, why is my heart so complicated? But I-

Her thoughts were rudely interrupted by Mr. Phillips.

"Everyone in their seats please."

They both nodded to each other and walked to their seats.


School was over. The girls walked to Diana's residence for a mini birthday party dedicated to Anne. Diana's house was lovely. The trees around her house hugged it which made the house have a cozy feeling. 

The girls giggled, chatted, and danced the evening away. They all had so much fun and forgot about Anne's mark.

"WAIT! Anne....we totally forgot...YOUR MARK!", shouted Ruby, looking at Anne with a shocked look.

"Oh yes, of course!", replied Anne.

Anne started to search her body. She hoped she was destined to be with someone who would treat her well and love her a whole lot.

Everyone was waiting in awe. 

Has Anne met her soulmate? Did she get a soulmate? Maybe she doesn't know him yet..

She felt the mark on her right shoulder. She slowly looked and saw a strange symbol she would never even think of.....

"A pen...?"


FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO HAVE WATCHED SEASON 3 OF AWAE, THE PEN WILL BRING SHIRBERT TO LIFE!  btw gilbert's mark is coming next! haha this story will be the deaths of me and you, don't worry. (the mark will be a flashback and yeah i dont want to spoil anything else)

(even tho i said i won't spoil anything else, winnifred is in this story!)

(get ready for the angst and tears c:)

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