☆彡 a lifemate★彡

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Anne Shirley-Cuthbert woke up from her short sleep and yawned softly. Rubbing her eyes to take away some of her drowsiness, she slowly walked downstairs trying to not make a peep and washed her face. The cold water rushing down her face felt so refreshing. She closed the faucet and calmly breathed in the cold morning air. She was grateful for living another day. it was one of the things that made life worth living. Marilla and Matthew also made life worth living. They were the only ones to take her under their wing and shape her into a better person. She smiled to herself, realizing how happy she is.

"Anne?", quietly whispered Marilla. Marilla held up a candle to her face to carefully see what Anne was doing. 

"You woke up just in time. Anne, you should get ready for school. I'll prepare some breakfast right away.". Marilla's words slowly dragged out of her mouth due to her drowsiness. Looks like everyone was sleepy today.

Anne slowly nodded and walked upstairs.


Anne met Diana on her way to school. They walked hand in hand, slowly walking to their final destination. Diana had a worried look on her face. Anne noticed her worried face and decided to question her about it.

"Diana, are you alright?, asked a concerned Anne. She truly cared for her bosom friend and wouldn't want anything happen to her.

"Yes, just thinking about certain things."

"And may I ask what are those certain things?", asked Anne. Diana shot a "did you seriously ask me that?" look to her. Anne scoffed and raised one eyebrow, showing her that she wanted to really know what's wrong with her.

Diana sighed and said, "Just been contemplating about....", she touched her clavicle hinting to her mark. 

"Your lifemate, huh? I think you'll be fine Diana.", Anne replied. As soon as Anne finished her sentence, Diana quickly spun in her direction. Her confusion about Anne using the word 'life mate' was evident. Diana furrowed her eyebrows and looked at her friend blankly.

"Yes! We would be equal and partners..not just husband and wife. I've come up with a new name for both parties, together because I believe....that they should be named the same....life mates.", Anne proudly stated. She had a wide smile on her face, expressing her happiness and compassion to the statement. Diana's eyes widened as she finished the statement. Diana's astonishment was prominent. She gasped and kept her mouth wide open.

The girls had almost reached the Avonlea schoolhouse. 

"Diana.....how do you know w-who's your soulmate?", asked Anne inquisitively. 

"Anne, that's the whole point of the s-"

"Diana, of course I know the signs help, but...is that it? What if I give the pen to the wrong person?! What if I marry to the person who I'm not meant to be with?! What if I have chi-"

"Anne, calm down! I've heard that you feel this some sort of shock. They say it feels like electricity running down your body. But don't get confused! It's very different from shock of-"

damn everyone is being interrupted

The school bell rang and the two girls ran to the schoolhouse.


The girls quickly walked in and sat in their seats. Of course, all of the kids were still chatting and just being normal kids. The girls were of course gossiping on their side of the classroom and chatting about suitors as well. The boys were joking around with each other and playing games such as thumb wars and arm wrestles.

The kids were rudely interrupted by the one and only, Mr. Phillips.

"Silence in the classroom! SILENCE!", he shouted. "How about we do a little bit of reading today?".

Everyone groaned. Out of all things, why did he choose reading? Hearing the word 'reading', Anne smiled and quickly asked, "What are we reading today?". Mr. Phillips hesitated and answered, "I believe Heidi is a good choice for today."

"Who would like to start off the reading?", asked Mr. Phillips. He never really liked the idea of teaching, but it was a last resort. He only picked to do reading that particular day because he wasn't in the mood to review any lessons.

"I'd like to start off, if you wouldn't mind, sir.", replied Anne. Gilbert turned and looked at Anne with a bright gleam in his eyes. He adored the times when Anne would read for the class. He admired her way of words and how her expression brought new meaning to the piece of prose. Mr. Phillips nodded with disinterest, accepting Anne's request.

"From the old and pleasantly situated village of Mayenfeld, a footpath winds through green and shady meadows to the foot of the mountains, which on this side look down from their stern and lofty heights upon the valley below. The land grows gradually wilder as the path ascends, and the climber has not gone far before he begins to inhale the fragrance of the short grass and sturdy mountain-plants, for the way is steep and leads directly up to the summits above..."

Anne's words suddenly drowned out. Since Mr. Phillips wasn't paying attention to the class, most of the students slept through chapters 1 and 2.

The only person listening to the reading was Gilbert Blythe. She happily stared at Anne while she was reading, so she didn't notice the abnormal staring. He smiled to himself. He was happy. Oh, very happy he met Anne.

"Excuse me Mr. Phillips..but am I supposed to continue reading the book? I mean..I wouldn't have a problem with that. I've read this book many times, and I greatly adore the part where Heidi-"

"Enough! No, that will be enough for today Anne. Thank you for your participation.", replied Mr. Phillips in a heavy monotone voice.

Finally, he noticed the classroom filled with sleeping students, one or two of them were drooling a little bit. 

He shouted, "Well! I see we have many sleepyheads in the class today. Since you all PAID ATTENTION to the reading.....

                                      ..Let's have a game of trivia, shall we?"

ok im sorry i havent updated in a while, school's been a little hectic. i'll be updating much more since christmas break starts friday (finally lmao)

ok sorry this was a filler chapter, but the story will spice up in the upcoming chapters.

btw tysm for the love on this story! never knew people would even read this and actually like it! appreciate you all sm! <3

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