They say everyone is always trying their best

12 0 0

I can't think straight anymore

My head feels as if it's exploding and twisting

Why can't my mind think of only a few things at a time?

Why does it feel like a never ending popcorn machine

Popping into an unending brown bag ?

Too many thoughts

And I have no idea which memories or facts I think about are right or wrong

I feel it all slipping away again

I've lost balance

It's that feeling you get as you lose all control

Lose grip of the world beneath you and the fear tears through your stomach and up to your throat

Its the feeling possessing my bones tonight

As I feel your anger towards me

As I feel you slip away

Get bored

Get exhausted

I'm toxic

High maintenance






And weak

And I feel you lose interest

Did the shine in my eyes become dull ?

Have you found someone more attractive ?

Did I do something?

Say something?

Or maybe it's all in my head and everything is my fault

Because you're trying your best... right?

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