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Vince and Luca arrived at a diner, Vince wanted to show Luca something from his past.

Big softy.

They got there and when they sat down in one of the booths, almost immediately a waitress came over and placed down two menus.

"Hello, my name is Jasmine, and I'll be your waitress this evening." Her voice was rather monotone but she had a smile to compete with it. She had a sleeve tattoo with a lip piercing and her hair in a messy bun. Yeah, she's cool.

"What would you like to drink?" She asked looking back and forth at us.

"I'll have a water." Vinca requested.

Luca being himself, "I'll have a cookies and cream milkshake." Luca requested confidently.

Jasmine's smile widened, "I like your taste. I'll be back with your drinks in a bit." She wrote everything down on her little notepad and then walked away.

"A milkshake?" Vince questioned while slightly laughing.

"Uh, yeah! They're the best at anytime of the day."

"I haven't had a milkshake in, what like, two years." Vince said normally.

Luca was not okay hearing this, "You what? You're getting a milkshake." Luca said with a playfully serious tone.

Vince chuckled, "I'm gonna agree to that so I don't potentially get hurt tonight." Vince joked and they laughed.

Luca opened up his menu and looked through it. He scanned over the dishes and decided that he was going to get chocolate chip pancakes. His favorite.

When Luca looked up from his menu he saw that Vince was admiring him.

Vince had been watching Luca look over the menu. He noticed how he would bite his lip, the way his lips curled when he smiled. Everything. Vince did not like this feeling.

He's supposed to be cold and heartless, why is one person making him like this? Literally no one gets this side of Vince except for his mom, which he holds dear to his heart. So why Luca?

He's just my assistant, he's only my assistant.
Vince kept telling himself when he noticed what he was feeling.

Jasmine came back over with their drinks and set them down, "Are you ready to order?" She says pulling out her notepad.

"Yeah, I am." Luca answers and Vince nods.

"I'll get whatever you're getting." Vince says to Luca and Luca smirks mischievously.

Luca knows that Vincent goes by time for everything, so pancakes at night is way out of his comfort zone, "I'll have the chocolate chip pancakes." Luca answers and Vince looks at him like he's crazy.

Jasmine chuckles, "I love you." She exaggerated making Luca laugh and she briefly put her hand on his shoulder. She wrote down the order and smiled.

Vince however didn't smile. He didn't like her touching his b- him. Even if it was just for a brief moment.

"Thank you, by the way can you get another milkshake?" Luca asks making Vince playfully roll his eyes.

"Of course. I'll be back with your orders soon." She then walked away.

Luca looked at Vince, he looked upset.

"You alright?" Luca asks softly as he put his hand over Vince's.

Vince looked at Luca and saw how genuinely concerned he looked and he smiled, "Yeah I'm fine. I'm just stressed." Vince smiled reassuringly.

Luca returned his hand and nodded then taking a sip of his milkshake, "These are the best." Luca basically bowed down to the sweet drink making Vince laugh.

A Cold Mans Heart (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now