I Love You

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"Thank you for listening to me ramble." Vince thanks as he turns to Luca and sees him smiling back.

"I like it when you're vulnerable. When you let me into your past. It lets me know that you trust me with this type of information. So, thank you."

Vince pulled Luca's face to his gently and kissed his lips. The kiss was filled with hope, love, and content. Vince pulled away and looked into Luca's eyes, and without thinking,

"I love you."


Both of their smiles went as Vince began to panic internally, "I didn't mean that, sorry. I-." Vince says quickly.

Luca cuts him off, "You..didn't mean it...?" Luca's voice saddened as his voice went small and his face mirroring his emotions.

"No, no, no- I do! I-uh..." Vince had never felt this embarrassed and flustered before, it was a really uncomfortable combination.

"So... you love me?" Luca asked for confirmation as he was filled with hope. Hope that Vince feels the same and he isn't the only one trying to figure out his feelings.

"Yeah, I guess. I dont know, I'm new to this."

"Obviously." Luca says breaking most of the tension.

Vince chuckled nervously, still feeling embarrassed, "I...feel very embarrassed, I apologize for blurting that out. I probably made you feel uncomfortable, I get it if you do that want anything to do with me. I just-"

"Can you shut up?" Vince gave him a confused look and Luca just smiled, "You don't catch on quickly do you?" Vince was still lost making Luca giggle, "I..love you too."

Vince was at a loss of words when suddenly he shot up, pulled Luca to him, and hugged him tight. Luca wrapped his arms around Vince's neck and pulled him closer, and his face in the crook of his neck. Getting their true feelings out for each other felt like freedom.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" Vince asks in Luca's ear, a bit muffled but Luca heard him none the less.

Luca pulled his face away and looked Vince in the eyes as he nodded quickly, "Yes." Vince spun Luca around in his arms as Luca clings to him.

Vince set Luca back onto the ground and kissed him hard.

"I love you, so much." Vince says breathlessly in between the kiss.

Vince and Luca had the best time together but alas all good days must come to an end. They were driving back to Vince's house in a comfortable silence while they held hands.

It was a little past 9 o'clock and the stars were starting to shine through the night sky properly. Luca gazed at them and pondered as the moon's shining light lit up their surroundings.

Then it started to rain lightly making the atmosphere change to a more calming setting. It felt nice. It felt right. More clouds rolled in as the rain got heavier, and it stayed that way. No thunder. No lightning.

When they made it to Vince's house they ran to the door in a little laughing fit, the rain is not Vince's forte.

They didn't get too wet, a bit damp here and there but they were mostly dry. They made their way upstairs and quickly changed into their pajamas.

When finally done and relaxed they laid in bed, side by side, facing each other. Luca placed a small kiss on Vince's lips, then Vince added another kiss to Luca's. Vince finally fully kissed Luca and pulled him closer to his body. Once their body's were touching, and they wanted to be closer, Luca placed himself on top of Vince.

Vince licked Luca's bottom lip and Luca granted him access to his mouth. Vince's tongue roamed Luca's mouth and then goes back to dancing with his tongue. He sucked on it gently and Luca let out a soft moan making Vince's head go crazy. Luca's little moan was one of the most amazing sounds to Vince. He pulled away pulling his bottom lip with his teeth lightly.

Vince swiftly flipped them over and he started to kiss down Luca's jawline placing wet kisses as he goes and stops at his neck as Luca was panting slightly. While Vince placed kisses around Luca's neck, one particular spot made Luca moan loudly.

"Vince!" Luca moans breathlessly.

Luca's sweet spot was on the low side of his neck close to the crook and hidden if he wore a shirt with a collar, giving Vince an idea.

"Can I mark you?" Vince asks looking up at Luca, his eyes are closed as he moves his hips around almost going unnoticed.

Luca nodded, not wanting this, him, to stop. Vince starts to kiss Luca there again but rougher making Luca let out a loud moan. Vince bit down on the spot lightly then a little more aggressively, marking Luca.

Vince pulled away and watched the bruise form on Luca's soft and pure skin. Luca was a slightly panting mess under Vince. The pleasure Vince brought Luca was like no other pleasure he's gotten from past lovers, even if it was just a hickey, it felt like bliss.

"You're so beautiful, darling. And I am overjoyed that I can call you mine. You really know how to change a cold mans heart and because of you I feel content." Vince admits as he looks into Luca's eyes. His beautiful, honey eyes.

Luca giggled, "Oh, come on? How am I supposed to beat that?" Luca whined.

Vince grinned at him, "You can't and that's the best part." Vince kisses the tip of Luca's nose making him giggle, Luca loves it when he does that, "Let me know when you do, though." Vince moves from being on top of Luca and lays by his side.

Vince pulled Luca into him and they spooned "Goodnight, Vince. I love you."

"Goodnight, darling. I love you too."

Luca was fast asleep in just a couple of minutes but Vince stayed up. Something felt off. Deep down inside Vince the feeling of not wanting to waste time, the feeling of not wanting to get hurt, the feeling of not needing Luca grew stronger.

I love you, Luca. I'm sorry for my actions and if I do you wrong. I'm still a cold hearted man somewhere inside me and I am truly sorry for any actions that hurt you. I love you, darling.

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