Thank You

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Vince drove around the small town, most people walking instead of in cars, small corner stores instead of big corporations, and kids walking or playing around with a parent or two watching them.

People stared at the fancy car that drove by, obviously not from the small town. Kids gazed in wonder, adults watched in respect, store owners coming out of their shops and/or deli's to see the car that stood out.

Vince gently shook Luca awake, "Luca, where here."

Luca woke up slowly, rubbed his eyes, yawned and stretched out what limbs he could. Luca observed the environment outside of the car. It reminded him of his old neighborhood when he was a kid.

Luca noticed how out of place they were but was knocked out of his own mind when Vince yelled out his window, "Colten!"

Vince pulled over to the side. There was a tall man, wearing everyday clothes, he had tanned skin and his hair was ebony and looked freshly cut.

Vince turned to Luca, he had a big grin on his face, "He's a real old friend of mine. Come meet him." Vince unlocks the doors as Luca nods.

They get out the car and Vince was greeted with a bear hug from his childhood friend, Anthony Colten.

"It's so good to see you, Vince! You made it, man! You made it out of here!" They release from their hug as Anthony congratulates Vince on his accomplishments.

"You know I couldn't have done it without you, man." Vince thanks Anthony.

15 years old-

"Vince, your not like the rest of us in this old town. You actually have potential to get outa here." Anthony and Vince were talking while sitting at one of  the tables at the park.

"I don't know. What if I just have my hopes too high for this? I could just fail at any moment and then what's the point?!" Vince argued.

Vince had been trying so hard in school and when the semester just kept getting harder and his grades were dropping he was starting to lose hope.

"Vince, listen to me! You will not! Can not fail! Because you actually have the ambition to do it! Because whenever there's a problem you fix it; in no time! You tutor most kids at our school and still stay on top! You can do this."

Vince sighed, thankful for his best friend, "Thank you."

17 years old-

"What are you doing!" Anthony snatched away a half empty bottle of  vodka and a pill bottle away from Vince.

Vince has been going through some deep depression at the time and he wanted everything to just stop. Before he was going to do it, he drank half of the bottle of vodka and then grabbed some pills. Since his mother was working another late shift, for the third time this week, Vince thought it would be a good time to do it.

Then Anthony came into the house just to hang out and when he called out to Vince and didn't get a response he searched the house and found him on the bathroom floor about to take the pills.

"A-Anthony, c-co-me on. Giv-e it here." Vince was past drunk as he stumbled to get up.

"Hell no! Dude, I know you're going through some deep shit, but please just hang on! You have to keep fighting!" Anthony was trying to reason with the intoxicated teenager but Vince just looked dazed as Anthony sighed, "Let me help you. Get up." Anthony says. Meaning: 'if you take my hand, you'll keep fighting.'

Anthony extended his arm out to Vince and he pondered at it. He really wanted to let go but he saw determination, sincerity and concern in his best friends eyes.

Vince grabbed his hand and Anthony pulled him up.

19 Years old-

"You just got accepted to the best college in the state, Vince!"

They were at their graduation when Vince got the news from his mom that Vince got a full paid scholarship. Vince was frozen in shock as Anthony patted him on the back and his mom was crying tears of joy. Even though Vince didn't get the life he deserved, he still came out on top.

Most kids graduated because of Vince, the ones that didn't, didn't really care for school.

As the years went on, Vince became a proper, cold hearted, brutally honest businessman man who built his company from the ground up.

                            -End of Flashback-

Luca noticed how Vince's whole demeanor changed. He was more laid backed. It was as if he was a teenager again, and honestly, that's how Vince felt when he connected with his best friend again.

"Vince you look good. A real businessman now, huh?" Anthony was ecstatic. He wanted to know how everything is going and how his experience is so far as a 'proper rich man.'

"Yeah. It's all been great but it's stressful, you know?"

"No. No I don't." Anthony and Vince shared a good laugh.

Luca leaned against the car as he watched the amazing sight.

"Anthony, I want you to meet Luca," Luca walks closer to them and Vince wraps his arm around his waist. Vince suddenly realized that he didn't know what him and Luca were.

We're they just lovers? Boyfriends? Friends with benefits?

"Luca's my boyfriend." Vince says holding onto Luca's waist a bit tighter.

When Luca heard Vince he was got off guard but kept it inside. Unexpectedly, Luca...liked... that Vince called him that.

"Well, you did always get the good ones, Vince." Anthony joked around but Vince gave him a glare that didn't go unnoticed by Anthony, "Damn, did you learn how to give a proper death glare in college or something?"

Anthony kept joking and Vince sighed and rolled his eyes playfully. Vince was about to speak but Luca decided to jump in, "He's always had that stupid glare of his. For as long as I've know him there isn't a day where he's not glaring at somebody." Luca says in sass and Vince groaned while Anthony laughed.

Before Vince could be exposed again he decided to end that topic, "Anyways! What are you doing now, Anthony?"

"Me and, actually, my wife own a barber shop."

"Congratulations, man! Already married and owning a barber shop."

"Thanks. Also, you're an uncle to a 1 year old boy."

"Dude! Seriously?! That's amazing!" Vince turns to Luca in excitement, "I'm an uncle!" Vince exclaimed in joy.

Luca giggled at how happy and excited Vince was. Seeing Vince like this warmed Luca's heart and made him lo-like the man even more.

Not now, Luca. Not now. Too strong of a word. I would be lying if I said it didn't scare me to think about what would happen if Vince doesn't really lo-like me as much as I do to him.

As Vince was still in excitement Luca's mind went to the worst but he still kept a unsure smile on his face.

Not now.

Just wait.

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