Ranking The Vision Bleak's Albums

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 I've been meaning to do this one for a while now, and I decided it was finally time to give it a shot. This is my ranking of all six albums by The Vision Bleak: 

6. The Wolves Go Hunt Their Prey (2007) 

 I don't dislike this album, but none of the songs on it are among my favorites. I think it was a bit of a weak follow-up to their first two albums and didn't add anything new to the band. I just didn't enjoy it. 

5. Carpathia: A Dramatic Poem (2005)

 I did not realize that Carpathia was a concept album with a whole storyline until I got a physical copy of the album and read through the booklet. It was inspired by the works of H.P. Lovecraft, and it has some pretty good songs on it. "Kutulu!" would probably rank in my top ten songs by the band, and I'm also fond of "The Curse of Arabia". 

4. Set Sail to Mystery (2010)

 I don't know who came up with the title, but somehow it fits this album pretty well. Set Sail to Mystery is probably one of their most ambitious and definitely most bombastic and theatrical album. "The Foul Within" is definitely a favorite, and "Descend into Malestrom", "I Dined With Swans" and "Mother Nothingness (The Triumph of Ubbo-Sathla)" are all worth listening to. 

3. Witching Hour (2013) 

 As the title clues you in on, Witching Hour is a concept album having to do with fictional witches. For example, "The Wood Hag" is about Hansel and Gretel, "Cannibal Witch" is about Baba Yaga, "A Witch Is Born" references to the Weird Sisters from Macbeth. Musically, this album didn't really add anything new to the band, but "The Wood Hag" is one of my absolute favroite songs by them, and "Cannibal Witch" and "Hexenmeister" are my other favorites from Witching Hour

2. The Deathship Has A New Captain (2004) 

 This was The Vision Bleak's first full-length album, and I believe it to be one of their best. This was where their original "horror metal" concept began. They were mainly inspired by horror movies such as The Wolfman, Night of the Living Dead, and The Fog. I think "Night of the Living Dead" and "Wolfmoon" are two of their most popular and most loved songs, and "Deathsip Symphony" is one of my absolute favorites. 

1. The Unknown (2016) 

 This album is a big part of the reason why I love The Vision Bleak. With The Unknown, it's like they threw away all the original horror concepts and created something that's different but still them. I absolutely love every single song on this album, which is actually a bit unusual for me. The opening song, "From Wolf to Peacock", is my absolute favorite song by The Vision Bleak. If you're going to start listening to their music, I recommend starting with either this one or The Deathsip Has A New Captain

 Well, I'm glad I finally got around to this one. That's all, until a seventh album comes out (which I really hope will be sometime in the near fututre). 

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