Chapter three

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The months  went by quite quickly and I noticed Bella and Edward starting to become quite close although there was something strange about that kid. He seemed very old fashioned but he was a gentlemen and was good to Bella and that was good enough for me.

As I was thinking about the last few months i realised that so much has happened. I remember something that happened we were at school at the start of the day I had only just got out of Bella's truck whilst she was leaning on it while reading.

when the van of one of the other students sped in to the schools parking are and was heading for Bella I screamed and then saw a blur as the truck seemed to move away from Bella before it could hurt her moments later I then saw Edward leap out from in between the two cars and hurry away with no explanation. I definitely knew that something about that was strange but I dint say anything fo rather fear of sounding crazy when I tried to explain to someone what had happened.After that Bella told me how he dint show up to school which was also quite strange.

I also noticed how over the months the other members of the Cullen's had started to appear more frequently in my life Alice always said hello to me in the hallways when passing and jasper or emmet would nod in greeting Rosalie looked at me but never made any effort to say anything so neither did I and that's just how we were.

Prom was a while ago and even Bella and I went although it wasn't really our thing Bella was in a cast due to an accident she had when she want on a trip with Edwards siblings she fell down the stairs.

Today is her birthday and I got her a simple silver necklace with a silver heart pendant me and Charlie go into her room to surprise her with the presents that we got for her. As we walk into her bedroom she wakes up startled and rubs her eyes "Happy birthday Bella" I exclaimed loudly enough for her to wince. She thanked me and I turn away and leave to get ready for school. I throw on a black long sleeved t-shirt and black skinny jeans with my converse I also put on some light makeup brushed my teeth and hair and waited downstairs for Bella.

We arrive to school and immediately I decide to head inside the school building away from the cold chill of the morning ,leaving Bella to talk to her friends.

The school day carried on as normal and as I was walking to lunch Alice pulled me aside "hey Sofia, so I decided to throw a little party for Bella at our house and would love if you could join us" she looks at me hopefully waiting for an answer.

"I would love to come." I reply. She smiles widely back at me.

"Great see you later" she waves pulling jasper along with her as they walk away.

The rest of the day passes by quickly and Bella and I get ready for her party at the Cullen's house she wore a simple black dress while I wore a dark grey dress with black heels.

I meet Bella at the front door and we both head to Edwards car and the three of us headed to the Cullen house.

The party was going well and Bella started to open her presents she started opening the presents and after a few she got to her last gift as she was opening her gift her hand slipped and she got a paper cut on her hand and that's when all hell broke loose jasper lunged forward towards Bella at an inhuman pace growling whilst emmet and Edward held him back desperately to stop him from getting to Bella. I then came to a realisation why did he go for Bella? I looked over at her to see Bella bleeding from the glass on the floor from a vase that smashed. I then came to a realisation once again he wanted her for her blood I thought back to every wired thing I had ever noticed the cold hands the strange eyes...they were vampires...

I locked eyes with Carlisle once I had come out of shock and took a step back from the two of them "Sofia it's okay"he  spoke calmly but I couldn't make sense of this they were all vampires and they were dangerous.

After taking a few steps back I tried to run out of the door but was stopped by emmet he put his hands in my shoulders to stop me from leaving. " let me go!"I screamed but he didn't he picked me up and carried me to the living room and sat me down on one of the chairs in the room where Esme was also sat facing me. Scared, I backed away slightly and saw her frown which I felt bad about. "Where's Bella?" I asked my voice shaky from screaming. "She's with Carlisle he's tending to the wound on her arm." She spoke calmly. We sat in silence until she spoke again "listen I know you may be confused but I'll tell you everything... I think you deserve answers after having too witness what happened earlier. Firstly... yes my family and I are vampires but we do not feed on human blood we choose to feed from animals instead  and we try to live a normal life or as normal as we can and I know that this is a lot to process but please listen to me when I say that my family and I will never harm you or your sister."

"But..What about Jasper?" I asked.

"He's newer to all of this than we are he still finds it difficult to control himself sometimes" I nodded my head after her answer and sat there processing every thing that had happened today until Carlisle walked in Bella behind him.

I ran up to Bella throwing my arms around her and pulling her into a tight hug. "You okay Bells I whispered in her ear"
"Im fine" she whispered back and I immediately relaxed.

"Bella , Sofia Edward will drive you home"  Carlisle spoke up and there was Edward by the door with a sad look in his golden eyes.

After getting home I ran up the stairs and took a shower and got into a pair of pyjamas  and got into be feeling exhausted from every thing that happened that evening and tried to head off to sleep.

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