Chapter Four

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The next day I woke up still shocked and confused at what happened but knowing that I needed to accept everything quickly so I got up and got dressed for school brushed my teeth then Bella and I went to school.

Through the day I hadn't seen any of the Cullen's and my questions were finally answered when they didn't sit at there usual table at lunch.

I asked Bella why they weren't in but she didn't seem to have an answer as Edward hadn't told her he wouldn't be able to come to school today. It seemed a bit strange but I didn't think much of it and continued with the rest of my day.

As me and Bella pulled into the driveway I saw Edward stood outside our house still dressed in the black suit from last night he looked up from the ground at Bella and I and told us he needed to speak to Bella so I left them alone to have there chat I ran upstairs threw my bag on my bed and sat at my desk where I saw Bella and Edward walk into the woods to talk. After watching them leave I let out a loud yawn and decided to go for a nap.


My long gown flowed effortlessly down to the ground as the sound of music and chatter filled the air.

I looked around and appeared to be in a ballroom with a grand high ceiling and a large chandelier hanging from the centre. As I was looking around I felt a presence near me and looked up to meet a pair of ruby red eyes in which I had seen before the man from the dreams I had before was stood before me in an expensive looking suit hair styled to absolute perfection.

He smiled at me a warm, loving smile that made my heart skip a beat  as he took my hand and led me to the dance floor we started to dance to the music that was playing I had never felt so happy but that all came crumbling down when a loud shout echoed through my head.

"Sofia!" "Sofia!" The voice shouted.

***********Dream over*********************************************

I woke with a jolt to my dad shaking me a panicked look on his face.

"Sofia have you seen Bella?!" He asked nervously.

I looked up at him and replied "I saw her with Edward when we got back from school they left to go and talk I aren't seen or spoken to her since. Why what's wrong?"

"She hasn't come home yet and I'm worried" he replied running a hand through his hair. " I've got people all over searching for her I just don't know where she would be."

We both went downstairs to the people who were now outside our house other police officers and dads friends that I recognised were sat about looking at maps and speaking on phones I spotted Jacob and walked over to him "hey Jacob how long has she been gone for?" He looked up at me.

"Well from what I've heard about six hours. I mean in know that's not a very long time for someone to be missing but in these circumstances I guess it's quite strange." I nodded in agreement and looked down at the map in front of Jacob and I when I heard Jacob speak I looked up and saw a man merge from the tree line in denim shorts and no shirt he was carrying Bella in his arms and was walking steadily towards us.

Dad ran forward and picked her up and thanked the man whose name I learned was sam and held Bella close and brings her into the house.

I start to thank the people that helped with her search as they start to leave packing away there things and leaving in there cars I say goodbye to Jacob and billy and head inside.

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