What do the three roles do?

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Alpha – The Alpha is the most aggressive and protective of their mates or family out of the three, they are normally the larger, muscular and stronger ones of the three as well, they are also the dominant ones in bed and in relationships. The Alphas are usually male but there are ones that can be female. The female Alphas are very different compared to the male Alphas. As male Alphas already have penises the females do not. Female Alphas have a tiny chance of being able to become pregnant, however, they can never impregnate their mate or other sexual partners. When a female Alpha gets aroused the area where her clitoris is a retractable penis is formed. As she has a tiny chance of being able to conceive a child her womb is smaller than a normal one or there would not be a womb there at all. In some verses the female Alpha can go through the changes their Omega can go through when they are pregnant, the hormones that Omega releases help the Alpha. The changes would include the female Alphas' small breasts to expand in size to help feed the new-born child, the male Alphas, however, can't grow breasts like the females, but they do still help their Omega. In almost all of the verses, the Alphas produce a lot of semen being released when sexual interactions are involved, in some verses have the process of knotting is involved. Knotting is basically the process where the Alpha's penis enlarges at the base to lock inside the Omega giving them a better chance of breeding and producing an offspring. All Alphas have larger penises and are the ones that fight over an Omega or to protect their Omegas.

Bata – Batas are the least complicated dynamic out there, they are basically normal people. They can breed with other Batas, but they can't breed or get Omegas pregnant, a male and female Bata can reproduce. On a rare occasion, a female Alpha and female Bata would be able to reproduce.

Omega – Omegas are normally the opposite from the Alpha, they are soft and gentle, they are also the nurturing parents who raise their children but are also the ones that can get pregnant other than female Batas. The female Omegas are built like normal women and use their systems in the normal ways a woman would, getting pregnant like you normally would and nurturing a child naturally as well. However, for the male Omegas, it is very different. All Omegas go through heat, but it is up to the writer of the story of how often they go into heat, but most pick between every month or every three months. During the heats, they are most fertile and means they can easily become pregnant. However male Omegas must go through a pre-heat. Since male Omegas only have one hole they can be penetrated in, their rectum, which is also doubling as protection for their female parts. During the pre-heat, the parts grow once all of the recta is completely empty, the reason for this is so that nothing can get stuck in the uterus. Omegas are the smaller ones with less muscle and smaller penises if the Omega is a male. Omegas normally love taking care of children and do all of the parenting things.

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