Who purrs?

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From what I have found out, only two of the dynamics actually purr purr. Batas will occasionally purr but they are the ones that act mostly like humans. Alphas tend to purr when extremely happy, to calm their Omega or when they are in love. Out of the three Omegas purr the most.

Omegastend to purr at anything that makes them happy, content or in love. They willpurr to their pups to comfort them, to their friends to identify theirfriendship, and to their mates to tell them that they are in love. However,there are some instances where Omegas will completely stop purring. One is whenthey have been abused by any of the three dynamics, most commonly Alphas orBatas, however, there are cases where Omegas have abused other Omegas, but theyare extremely rare. Another is if the Omega has suffered an extremely traumaticevent, such as rape by an Alpha or a Bata, if they had watched someone murdertheir mate or pups or when losing their mate or pup in a sudden accident suchas a car crash

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