Chapter 10 - That Bear

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I've counted the times tables up to 23 and still not had a wink of sleep. I reshaped my pillows and folded one in half and once again i began the time tables. I looked at the time and it was 4.30am, five hours until my appointment at Barneys.

I made my way out of my side of the bed and walk over to his side. I opened his wardrobe and brushed my cold finger tips along his one only suit, all the rest of his clothing are jeans, joggers and polo shirts. As i moved along I heard a drop and there was on a black box on the floor. I lifted the lid and all his memories appeared. His old university huddie, his coaster from his first pint challenge, pictures of us, cinema tickets, leaflet for skydiving, our anniversary cards, letters. It was all there, our years all in one box. I felt the air to my windpipe close as i hold back my tears. I put on his jumper and I felt his body on mine as I locked my arms around myself. This is what I needed. He is what I needed. I made my way back round to my side of bed and the tears began to fall.


I woke up to the sound of my phone seeing countless emails from Helen and it was only 7.30. My heart stopper when I saw the subject matters,
Charity dinner with Mr Barker
Meeting with Mr Barker and the board Breakfast brunch now pushed to Monday with Sharon Osborne.

Luckily the heavy meetings aren't until this afternoon but what is this charity' dinner ?? 

Thursday 1st March 2019

Morning Sarah, 

To confirm that the charity for Swansports is this evening at the Millienium House at 8pm

To refresh your mind, they have raised 340 million pound for Swansports all walks of life, please see attachments. 

Mr Swansports requested for Mr Barker to accompany you to this event for support. 

I have a feeling this would not be the first thing on your list but I have collected your red dress from Palo Boutique which your mother sent last week to get it altered.

Please confirm that this is all ok for you.


Oh my god what was he playing at!!! I can't go with Barker why is he pushing this.

Thursday 1st March 2019

Dear Helen 

I am sorry but can you can cancel. I will not be going. 

See you soon 



I need to go to Barneys more often. I love it here. I can't wait to see my colour, I have now gone for a dark burgandy colour rather than my mosey brown hair with highlights. 

"Now darling your hair will need a 40 minute rest ok. It's 11.20. Now Georgina will take you in there to get your gorgeous face and legs sorted " 

I loved wax ,the warmth on your skin it's so therapeutic and the release of hair is like a lift of life. I was in my element I didn't want it to end. Georgina lifted my leg to begin my Hollywood wax and to my surprised I heard Finns voice .

"Sir if you wait 10 minutes she will be out" suddenly the door barged open and there was Barker looking furious.

Georgina stood far away in the corner as I tried to cover my self.

" Jesus Barker what an earth do you think you are playing at? Have you lost your mind?"

" No Sarah I have have not. I am pissed off"

"Excuse me. I am having some treatments done.This can wait, now get out"

"Sarah you are going to the charity event. You think I want to go? do I fuck but I am going. I have cleared my schedule and we are going "

"You are not the boss of me as far as my social life is concerned and for god sake where is my robe"

" It's nothing I haven't seen before. Stop changing the subject Sarah. You are going, you will regret it if you do not attend. He set this up and now the goings get tough and you get going"

"Get the hell out. We are done here"

" I will pick you up at 8"
Barker took my shoulders and looked straight into my eyes. I felt flushed but calm forgetting I was practically naked.

"Sarah, listen to me. You will regret this if you don't go, I promise you I will get you gone the moment I can and move you away from any conversation you don't want to have.
Whether you like it or not I will get you there even if that means carrying you over my shoulder , you are coming "

" Will I? " I snapped

" Yes"

"And if I say no"

"You won't as I know you will be there. Nice outfit by the way"

" I'm not wearing anything "

"Exactly see you at 8, I've cancelled all your appointments. You need to prepare yourself for tonight "

" You are a control freak"

"So I am told" he smirked

And yet again like batman he was gone.

I released my breath in relief and Finn looked at me with michievous eyes

" Jeez what an bear. Is he single?"

With exhausted eyes I placed my eye mask on and listened to Sam Smith playing in the background

" That bear is all yours Finn"

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