Your Guardian Angel Is A Handsome Devil

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"Over the past few years ties between two nations: BlackBrooke and RoseLake have been cut thin. Trade routes are littered with bandits, fights break out in markets, and Mercenaries ran amuck.
The Kingdom Of BlackBrooke was rich in oil and fossil fuels making its caves and mountains highly valuable. Blackbrook was also known for its pride and joy: Princess (y/n). She was a face easily recognized and known worldwide for her intelligence and work ethic. Her iconic speeches alone helped the kingdom mourn the death of their king.

The Empire of RoseLake, despite their innocent tittle, was a nation full of criminals. Their leader was greedy and power-hungry. He favored the strong and wealthy over the poor and common man, this biased train of thought often lead to the rules being long forgotten. 

Queen Diane, ruler of BlackBrooke, and  The Dictator of RoseLake have ruled like this for years. Simply neighbors but, of course, like with anything,
 After all, nothing ever lasts forever.  

~  Log 17 from the court proceedings of the Opal Incident.

Knock! Knock!
"Madam, your mother requests your presence in the throne room!" A muted voice from behind the door rung out in your empty bedroom.

Grumbling indigently, you rolled over in bed and dug your head further into your pillows. Your Handmaiden expected as much and opened the door. "Let's go, (Y/n). Up and at'um. A kingdom doesn't run its self."

"Hmmph." You knew well enough that a mad handmaiden was a scary one and shrugged off your comforter.

"Did she specify what the matter was on?" You questioned as you watched your handmaiden, Bento picks a dress for the evening.
"I'm afraid not but, you're maturing so I have my guesses." Your cheeks went hot at Bento's claim.

"I highly doubt my mother has picked a suiter, besides at the moment I'm far to busy to be bothered with cupid's agenda."
Bento spun to face you dress and necklace in hand responding with a sing-song statement, "That's what they all say, Darling."

She assisted you into your gown and began doing your hair, "You never know when your prince charming will appear."
You took her words to heart for a moment, pondering on her words before tossing them to the side.

"Well, I hope 'Prince Charming' knows that I'm not an easy woman to woo. He'll have his work cut out for him."

Bento simply rolled her eyes and chuckled, " I'm quite aware." She dusted off her hands and stood back form you, "Now, I'd hit the gas if I were you. They've been expecting you for a while."

You gathered your dress and rushed to the Throne room. Guards bowed and opened the doors for you as you adjusted your curls but, you didn't expect the sight in front of you in a million years.

Your mother gestured to the handsome man beside her and he bowed, allowing the lights of the chandelier to bounce off the chains and medals across his broad chest. His hair was fashionably quaffed to the side exposing a section of his forehead, His jawline and muscles clearly defined, even though his uniform wasn't very tight.

"(Y/n), My Daughter, this is Commander Chris Bang. He will be watching over you until further notice"

Chris sent you a dazzling smile and fixed his warm brown eyes on you, "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, your highness."

You felt your cheeks get hot and you tried to keep your wits about you as you curtsied, "The Pleasure is all mine."

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