A Two-Sided Coin

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You clenched your jaw before tensely smiling at Hyunjin as if to say, 'see-what-I-mean?'

With a huff, you removed your hands from Hyunjin's grasp and crossed your arms across your chest as you watched Christopher approach you. His steps echoed in the spacious ballroom until he stopped beside you, his head turned to address Hyunjin, "Mind if I cut in for a moment?" The Commander asked.

Hyunjin gave the Commander a closed eye smile, "Go ahead, sir, I had no idea you could dance."

Hyunjin took a step back and watched on the sidelines as the knight gently grasped your gloved hand in his rough palm. Christopher looked down at you, his chocolate hues peering through his quaffed hair, "Your highness, may I have this dance?"

You scoffed as he bowed and kissed the back of your hand, ignoring the shiver that went down your spine as you remarked, " I'd be surprised if a brute like you could even foxtrot."

The Commander smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. Instead, his russet hues seemed to brim with mystery as he responded, "There's a lot you don't know about me, Princess."

You furrowed your eyebrows, but gracefully, you gently placed one hand on the knight's broad shoulder and raised the other in waiting to lace it on his own, "Let's see if your footwork is as impressive as your annoying habits."

Christopher held a hand over his chest, his rings glimmering under the chandelier, " Annoying? That hurts princess." he chuckled.

Christopher placed a hand on your waist and cupped it gingerly as if you were made of porcelain. His other hand enveloped your own, the warmth of his skin heating yours despite your gloves. The holsters on his legs clinked as Christopher moved to square his chest with yours, leaving a respectful distance.

You waited with Christopher for the current measure of rests to end, your eyes burning holes in your heels when Christopher moved his left thumb slightly, brushing across the tip of the end of your ribcage. The action made you shoot your head up. Your cheeks were aflame as you floundered for something to say, but Christopher seemed to be confused. An innocent look of confusion was genuine on his face as he looked down at you. His eyes flickered to Hyunjin to the door and back at you before he asked quietly, "Is something wrong?"

You shook your head, "It's nothing. I'm fine."

Christopher's eyebrows knit together, and he chewed his lip in thought when suddenly the gramophone faded in the melody once more. Christopher took the first step and began to whisk you around the ballroom but, not before whispering, "Sorry."

Your eyebrows pursed in confusion, "Sorry? Sorry for what?"

Christopher's eyes were downcast as he mumbled, "For hurting you."

You couldn't help but laugh, confusing the poor boy even more. You shook your head, "You didn't hurt me, Commander."

Relief washed over the solider's shoulders, and he spun you according to the music before bringing you back into his arms. You smiled reassuringly but, internally, you wondered what was going on in the head of his.

After your dance concluded, Christopher bowed and cleared his throat, his eyes still hesitating to meet your own, " If you'll excuse me..."

Christopher hastily walked over to Hyunjin, saying a few words before leaving the ballroom and out of sight. You watched his bizarre behavior curiously. You had only known him for a few days, but his actions struck a nerve.

"Hyunjin?" You called

Hyunjin nodded in acknowledgment, "Yes, your highness?"

You turned around and clasped your hands tightly in front of you, "Did his behavior seem...odd to you?"

Hyunjin shrugged, " The Commander is a man of war. He's never been one for conversation or people, to be frank, your highness."

You frowned, Christopher had never been very standoffish with you like this before.

Later that night, you slipped into your most simple dress and wrapped a cloak around your shoulders. Tonight was there was to be a festival in town celebrating the arrival of a bountiful harvest, and you planned to be there, despite Seungmin's protests.

You peeked your head out of your bedroom, and once seeing the coast was clear, you exited your bedroom and hurried down the hallway.

You stared at the mahogany door that leads into Christopher's private chambers in contemplation. You'd certainly feel safer if he was there, but it was quite late. You rocked on your feet before mumbling, "Screw it."

You knocked on his door and waited for a response. The halls were so entirely quiet that you could hear the floorboards in the Commander's room creak under his weight. Slowly you watched the door creak open to reveal a tired and shirtless Christopher.

Christopher yawned into his palm and rubbed his eyes as he adjusted to being awake, "Princess?" he asked groggily.

Your eyes traveled up his muscular torso, well what you could see of it in the dim light, before covering your eyes and turning around, " Put a shirt on!" You whisper-yelled.

Christopher rolled his eyes, hiding his growing smile and turned around, opening the door more for you, "Whatever, just get in here unless you want to be discovered."

The dim candlelight flickered for a moment giving you a short glimpse of a black alteration? A burn? It was hard to tell.

Nevertheless, you followed him into his room and allowed him to close the door behind you. You used your handheld the lamp to light a few candles in the room as the Commander reached into his closet, his back still turned towards you, and pulled out a white button-up shirt.

His room was quaint; he had a small grey couch, a wooden desk and a large queen-sized bed with black sheets you plopped down on his couch and examined the stitching on your simple pale pink gown as Christopher pulled the chair from his desk and placed it across from you, the back of the chair facing you.

Christopher straddled the chair and brushed his slightly damp, curly hair out of his eyes, "How can I help you, Princess?"

You noticed he had decided to leave three buttons of his shirt unbuttoned, but, for now, you chose to ignore it, "There's a festival in town. I want you to take me there."

Christopher raised an eyebrow, "I remember Seungmin explicitly, forbidding that."

You rolled your eyes, " Seungmin would forbid the consumption of chocolate if he could."

"Fine," Christoper knew you had a point, "But what's in it for me?"

You tapped your chin, "Well, what do you want?"

Christopher thought for a minute, "The list that Seungmin gave you, I know it has potential suiters on it."

You nodded, "Yeah, so?"

Christopher continued, "I need to know who's on it."

You blushed, "What! Why?"

Christopher chewed his lip, " Soon, we are going to be going on excursions out of the castle to visit some of the suiters, and I'd like to know ahead of time which some of them are."

You felt a dread bubble in your stomach at the thought of a date with the neighboring king. You nodded, "Okay, deal."

You jumped up and grabbed his hand, pulling him toward the door, "Let's go now!"

Christopher chuckled, his morning voice still waking up, " I'm not even wearing a belt or shoes, the festival will still be there in a few minutes from now."

You pouted as he ruffled your hair and watched him disappear into his bathroom.

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