Waltzing on Eggshells

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Now in your room, you allowed yourself to fall back into the bed, your hair sprawling out like a halo, "Bento, did you know about this?" You wailed At you lady in waiting.

Bento softly giggled, catching a glimpse of you smothering a pillow into your face. At the same time, she selected a dress for your ballroom lessons, " Your majesty, he's not the only one your mother has approved of, there's plenty of eligible bachelors on that list."

You huffed and clung to the pillow on your chest, " Not just about him, about this whole charade!"

Bento pulled out two tan ribbons from a white vanity with a painting of black roses climbing its many drawers that sat against the wall, left from the bed.

You moved to the edge of the bed and let Bento brush out your hair. As you vented to her about the rapidly approaching ball, she styled your hair into two dutch braids with the ribbons braided into it. "Well," Bento said as she stepped away from you, "If you are as concerned with the ball as you seem, you should hurry to your ballroom instruction class."

You looked to the grandfather clock in your suite, and she was right, your next class had arrived. You kissed the older woman on the cheek and hurriedly thanked her for her service and for listening. Then, you dashed out of the room and rushed to the ballroom. When simply around the castle, you didn't have to dress extravagantly but, you still had an image to uphold. Today Bento had you dressed in a Peridot green dress. The neckline was square and rimmed with small embroidered pink roses. The a-line dress's sleeves were sheer and peach-colored. Meanwhile, the bodice was the same color green, roses climbed the skirt, stretching from the hem.

The corset required for such a dress made running a challenge, but, luckily you made it to class just as your instructor looked up from his pocket watch, "Your majesty, I'm pleased to see you again."

You smiled in return as you bowed to each other, "Sir Hyunjin Hwang, It's been far too long since my last lesson. How is your mother?"

Hyunjin's lips made room for a toothy smile, "She's doing wonderfully."

You held your arms politely in front of yourself as Hyunjin placed a fragile record on graphophone in the corner of the vast, high ceilinged room. As the graphophone started to run, it's the needle on the ridges of the glass record, "'By The Beautiful Blue Danube" began echoing through the large hall. You struggled to envision the large mass of people that would be here in less than a month for your socialite debut. Hyunjin extended his hand to you, "Shall we begin m'lady?"

You looked to Hyunjin, a smile broad on his face, and his suit clean and pressed always. You nodded, "Of course."

Hyunjin took your smaller hand in his and guided you to the center of the room, "Now, Your Majesty." He began. "On the first step forward, the weight is taken on the heel, then on to the ball of the foot. A gradual rise to the toes should start at the end of the first beat, and-"

You raised a gloved hand to stifle your giggles, "It hasn't been that long since I've danced." You jested.

Hyunjin chuckled as well, and the two of you began to twirl around the room, "Just making sure you remember. After all," He bubbled, "We wouldn't want you to step on your fiance's feet at the ball."

You blushed, "How on earth do you know about it?"

"Word travels fast, your highness." Hyunjin laughed

You huffed, " Well, based on the suiters my mother picked, I hope to do more than step on their feet."

Hyunjin raised an eyebrow as he spun you around, "That bad?"

You sighed once being in his arms again, and the waltz continued, "Worse. Not only is the king of Roselake on that list, but so is Commander Christopher." You made a face as you said the latter's name.

Hyunjin winced, "While the possibility of being with the king sounds atrocious, what's so terrible about the Commander?"

You blushed, "He's solely intolerable!" You exclaimed, "If only you saw the way that man behaves, you would know what I mean."

"I heard he's handsome, does that not appeal to you at all?" a voice chimed in.

You rolled your eyes, "simply because he's attractive doesn't mean anything."

The voice spoke up again, "So you admit he's dashing?"

"Well yes-" You looked up to Hyunjin only to realize he hadn't been speaking. You stopped your waltz and looked to the doorway where a smug Christopher leaned against the doorframe, " You flatter me, princess."

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