Horses and Haybales

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"I still think this is a bad idea, your highness," Christopher, dressed in his uniform, whispered as the both of you peered over a bush in the front courtyard, crouched down to obstruct anyone's view of you and veiled by the night.

You rolled your eyes and slipped off your heels and holding them in his direction, not taking your eyes off the stables, your gaze following the stablehands. "Here, take these." You flippantly stated before starting to stand up.

Christopher took the heels in one hand and grabbed your wrist in the other, " Whatever you're about to do, I hope you know, I don't support this action." He stated pointedly, narrowing his eyes.

You slipped your arm out of his hold and started walking in the stables' direction, " What's the worst that can happen?" You replied in a sing-song manner, the cobblestone path under your feet cold with moonlight.

He watched as you ran off and pinched his nose's bridge, " You could die." He mumbled to himself.

Christopher watched in contemplation for a few moments, chewing his lip and looking down at the pair of pearly heels in his hands occasionally before groaning and throwing his head back in annoyance. He got up and started following after you, cloaked in the shadows so you wouldn't notice him, " Take the promotion, they said. It'll be easy, they said." He whispered under his breath bitterly as he climbed a tree next to the stables and perching on a branch that hung over the wooden stables' open roof. He leaned his back against the bark, crossing his arms, your heels still clutched in one of his hands, watching as you slinked in through the stables' front door.

"Jeongin!" You chirped happily, getting the young stable hand's attention as you closed the barn-like door behind yourself. Jeongin had been a close friend of yours for years, and he often assisted you on your occasional sneak-out.

Jeongin halted, petting the muzzle of the hazel Belgin horse he was feeding and looked over in your direction, shaking his head to get his raven bangs out of his eyes, "Oh, Princess, wasn't expecting to see you tonight." He answered, his sharp eyes widening a fraction.

You watched as he brushed his hands off on his tan trousers before he took off his flat cap, brushing his bangs back and tightly placing his hat back on, keeping his hair out of his eyes, "What can I do for you?"

You leaned your forearms on the wooden gate that separated you from the horse, "I need a ride, I'm heading into town tonight." You gave him your best puppy dog eyes, which made him screw his face up disgust, " Ugh, Fine, but promise you'll never do that agian. " Jeongin negotiated before turning his back to you and fetching a saddle.

You pouted, scrunched your nose up, "Rude, but a deals a deal."

Christopher watched this interaction and raised an eyebrow, ' Who the hell is this guy? ' He watched your body language and expressions with the utmost attention. You seemed comfortable and easy-going with Jeongin.

Jeongin tightened the saddle and equipped the horse with some reigns, " I hope you've improved from the last time you rode a horse, cause I'm not gonna lie for you if you come back missing an arm." He jabbed.

You held a hand to your chest, " I'm an excellent rider, I and the horse just had a little.... disagreement." You weakly defended.

You guided the horse out of its stall and outside, a little salty as you turned back at stuck your tongue out at Jeongin, getting a similar gesture in return. Christopher hopped down after you closed the door, silently landing behind you, " I didn't know you were bad with horses." He mused, spooking the stuffing out of you.

You flinched and whirled around, "Bloody hell! Don't sneak up on me like that!" You whispered.

Christopher ignored you and rubbed the horse's neck, getting an affectionate response in return. In a flash, Christopher propped himself up and had mounted the horse elegantly, "Let's get this over with before I'm out of a job, Your Highness." He slipped your heels into a pouch and reached a hand out to help you up, the other gripping the reigns. 

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