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Sonic's POV

Me and Shadow were twins. He always protecting me. This world is now different since I turned into the age of 20. I was scared and feel hopeless.

I was inside a mansion where there was a lot of seal that has been protect us from demons, devil, ghost and stuff.

Tonight, it was a full moon. The wolf howling in the night. I heard a footsteps coming towards my room and I open it.

"Here... Take it." Shadow hand me the blood pack and I take it. "Thanks... You gonna go now?" I asked whether he can stay a little longer.

He nods. "Yeah, sure." he said and come in. I sit on my bed while holding the blood pack. Shadow look at me and smile.

"Need a help?" he said before he reach my blood pack and open it up for me. "You still didn't know how to open the blood pack aren't you?" he said.

I blush a bit. "Uh... Sort of."

My eyes changes into red after I smell the blood. I slowly sip it and drink all the blood. Shadow keep looking at me and I stop.

"Stop looking at me like that!" I growled.

Shadow calm me down. "Okay, calm down. I know that you didn't like people look at you while you're feeding."

*After some time*

I look up the sky from the window. I really hope that I would become a normal person. Shadow left the mansion to find more blood pack and I was locked inside my own room.

Shadow said...

"You cannot leave this mansion because you're harmful to people out there. I do this because I want to protect you from killing them and become a bad vampire."

"I'll find a blood pack for you every night. Will you be a good vampire boy for me?"

It all starts when I was 15.

*At the past, when Sonic 15*

I was running from the vampires while me and Shadow escape from the scary mansion. I tripped over the tree branches and one vampire approach me.

He look down at me with his glowing red eyes. "P-Please... Don't eat me!" I said. He touch me slowly and rub my head.

"Don't worry... I'm not a bad vampire like you see in a fairy tales. I'm different... I just wanna help you to get out from here." He said.

"Okay... What about Shadow?" I asked.

"Your twin will be alright but... Please, let me feed you." He said with a low voice and approach me quickly.

"What!? You wanna eat me!?" I whimpered.

"I just wanna taste your blood. Then, I can help you." He said and I stop whimpering.

I close my eyes. "Okay, if that's will help you helping me. I'm ready. You can bite me."

In a second, he bite me harshly and I whimpered. I try not to shout and after a minute, he let me go and I feel like I'm going to die soon.

He pick me up and hurt himself on his hand. There's a blood and he feed me his blood.

"Drink my blood and you will be like me. This power will help you to defeat those vampires. This is your revenge." That was the last word I heard before I fall unconscious.

All people around the town try to find more vampires and they suspect us, me and Shadow. The question is.... Which one of us is a vampire?

The answer is... Me. I'm a vampire.

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