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Sonic's POV

I look at Shadow and he was injured. Many blood has come out from his wound. I hold my chest and look away from him.

"Sonic... What's wrong?" Shadow asked.

"You... You should go to your room now. Your bleeding. I can't look at you... I might bite you." I trembling as I said that.

Shadow quickly go upstairs while I'm waiting on the living room. Later, I heard a screaming sound and quickly run up.

I burst into Shadow's room and saw Ambrose trying to bite him.

"Ambrose!!! Bad vampire!!! Go away from Shadow!!!" I shout and hit his head. He go away.

"Okay! Okay! Stop!! Geez! Will you give me a chance to drink people's blood!?" Ambrose growled, like he didn't know that he was attacking Shadow a second ago.

"This is Shadow you were attacking!!" I growled while hug Shadow tight. I sniff and still smell his blood. I slowly push him away and take Ambrose out from the room.

*at the kitchen*

I take a blood pack from the fridge and give it to Ambrose. "This blood pack should make you feel better. Anyway, how long did you didn't drink blood?"

"It was a long story... And I'm not sure if you wanna hear it..." He said.

"Don't worry... I understand that. No need explanation." I said while smiling.

The pink hedgehog take a sip from the blood pack and he give me some. "Huh?" I said.

"You're a vampire... You need this too." Ambrose said and I finished all the blood in the pack. Later, Shadow came with his body healed.

"Who is he?" Shadow point his hand to Ambrose.

"He's the one who turned me into a vampire!!" I said and Shadow quickly attack Ambrose, but he managed to dodge it easily.

"Please, Shadow. I don't think you wanna mess up with me."

"What!? How the hell you know my name!" Shadow attack him again until they reached the living room. I follow them and try to stop the fight.

"Please, Shadow! Stop! He's trying to tell you something!!" I said.

"Like what!?" Shadow growled.

"It is important and this is the only way to save your twin from death." Ambrose said, making Shadow look at him instantly.

Ambrose tell everything to Shadow and I just listened.

"It's all your fault!! If you didn't bite him, he won't be like this!!! I'm gonna take a revenge on you!!" Shadow shout.

"Shadow... You said that you didn't want to make a revenge!" I said, try to calm him down.

"But, Sonic. He make you like this! And you should take this as a revenge!!"

"We don't have time for revenge!!" I cried. "I'm becoming this because of you!!!" I shout and quickly run upstairs.

I locked myself inside my room and crying.

This is all Shadow's fault!!! I hate you!!! Why would you let your twin fall into darkness!!!

Shadow's POV

I signed and rub my face a couple of times. "Why..."
I said softly.

"It's not your fault, Shadow. It's my fault. You can blame me for what happened to Sonic." Ambrose said.

"Rose... You said I could help Sonic from death. How...!" I said.

"There is... Since me and Sonic is the only vampire who lived here. This month is the night of red moon. You need to make a sacrifice!"

"What!? Sacrifice!?" I shocked.

"Yes... Whether you want to sacrifice yourself... Or Sonic. You choose your own way."

"Why don't you sacrifice yourself for us!!!" I growled and I stand up and ready to punch him.

Ambrose make an evil smile. "Listen, vampires need a sacrifice to make them live a little longer in this world. So, now, you choose whether your want to make a sacrifice... For your twin." He said.

I begin to frustrated and when I look around, Ambrose already gone. I walk to Sonic's room and knock his door softly.

"Sonic... Can I talk with you?" I said in a soft tone.

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