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*After 5 years*
Sonic's POV

"Wanna follow us, Silver?" I said as I lend my hand to him. He look at me. "Um... I don't know... Where are you two going?" He asked.

"We will walk to the south and ran away from this cruel town." I said.

"I'm coming with you! I guess..." Silver said.

"If you're coming, pack your bag and we will go in a minute." Shadow said. Silver nods as he quickly pack all his things in the bag.

"Sonic, wait!" I heard a voice from behind and it was Ambrose with Blake. "We wanna come too!" Rose said.

"Okay, it will be fine. Silver you ready?" I shout. "Coming!!" he answered.

"It's really good that we have met each other again. Like old times." Blake said happily. Ambrose nods. "I agree..."

"So, what are we doing when we arrived at south?" Rose asked.

"There was a small cottage and it was our home. I had a dream about that and we decided to leave this town." I explain.

"You still a vampire aren't you?" Shadow asked. I look at Ambrose and we smile each other. "Why you both make that stupid face?" Shadow hissed.

"I'm not a vampire anymore, Shadow." I said happily. "What?! How?!" Shadow asked.

"Ambrose has take all my vampire inside me, but, there's a devil who live inside me for a very long time..."

"What devil?" Shadow asked.

"You talking about me Shadow!!" My voice change and I think Dark Sonic control me now. Shadow was shocked.

"Who are you?! go away from my brother!!" Shadow growled. "Shadow, stop! He's just an annoying devil." Ambrose said.

Later, Silver came with all his things. "Wow, that's too much..." Blake said.

"What do you mean? We going south and that's a long way to go!!" a white hedgehog whimpered and we were laughing.

"Okay, Silver. We understand that..." Shadow said. He walk away and we follow him to the south.

Not far from the town, we could see there's nothing but a burning house. "What happen? Aren't there a small town over there?" I asked.

"There are but it's just Roul's imagination." Ambrose said.

"Wait, you mean there's nothing there but a burning house in a first place?!!!" Silver shocked. Everything is just our fantasy and imagination. They aren't real.

"That's sound scary..." Silver trembling in fear. I look at Shadow who stay cool after heard that. "So, what about the human that you kill everyday?"

Shadow look at me and I could see the fear in his ruby eyes. "Don't make me scared, Sonic!!" he growled. Oh, he got scared too.

"The mansion that we live in, it's just a burning mansion!" I shout as we saw the old mansion that we all live in. I was trembling too.

"Oh, that mansion. Roul live there with his family but when the mansion burn, Roul is the only one who survived and his twin sister dead." Ambrose said.

Three of us were got scared. Ambrose and Blake just stay cool. "Can we get outta here?! This place is just like a curse land!!" Silver said.

"Of course, it's a curse land!" Ambrose said. "Okay! enough! we got it!! Stop scaring us away!!" I growled.

"We're not try to scared you, it's real, I just forgot to tell you that. I couldn't recognize this place until we defeat Roul..." Rose said while rub his pink quills.

All of us ran way from the curse land and went to south. The journey was pretty far but at least we could make a new life there.

The land of mobius is where the new story begin as a hero of mobius. The people was so nice and they call me blue blur while Ambrose call me speed demon.

Shadow hold my cheek and kiss me. "I kinda have feelings with you right now..." he said. I blush. "Well, I feel the same way, Shadow."

That's all for my love story episode... For now.

"Who you talking to again!?" Shadow said.

"Nothing!!" I said.


"I said nothing!! Let's get outta here!!"


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